Sunday, November 1, 2009

Six Afghans arrested for attack on U.N. staff

And it only keeps getting worse! The afghans are after the UN! Why now i mean me personally all i would like to have is a little peace why cant they just come to a compramise! They have had 3 suicide bombing already and many are injured! Deaths? We dont need any more of this. It makes me very upset to hear this because the world cant come to any compramises! I mean what makes them act in such a foolish and un explanatory way..I wish that I could be able to see what is going on in their mind. I understand that the middle east are very religious people and that risking a life is a trip to heaven but this is just nonsense! And as a muslim I believe that this is not the way to take a stand. I have always have learned growing up that hatred is never accepted by god, so why do they do this?


SethXY said...

Just like you have learned that "hatred is never accepted by god," they extremists have learned that their mission is to go to heaven and do whatever it takes to get there. They have been indoctrinated since birth and that is not something that can easily change.
The trouble with compromise is that both sides may suggest a halfway point between them but no matter what, there is always bias. It's this bias in the proposed compromises that nothing truly gets solved. These religious retaliations and Jihad's have been going on for hundreds of years over various issues and will probably never stop. I'm pessimistic on the issue because nothing has truly changed. However, I do want peace but realistically it is not on the horizon.

Jodi Miller said...

I agree. These people are not like us, who have grown up in America. We know what freedom of speech and religion are, and what tolerance is, but many of these people don't because they weren't taught about them as children.

I agree with Sabina that we don't need anymore deaths, but we don't live in an ideal world.

The new Kevin (a.k.a Kevin Kwan) said...

Seth, this reminds me of my Model UN paper I have to do.

An issue would be, for example, the Palestine-Israel conflict. That would be when ideology has a huge part of how ethnic groups are treated.

With enough patience, this problem can be solved with a compromise. While there are extremists, there are also moderates. The key here is to make sure that people don't turn to extremism; otherwise a compromise could never be reached. To keep the moderates moderates, there must be a cue or tell-tale hint that what is going on while the moderates are in power is right. To that end, I suggest that the Palestinians go back to what they were doing in the first intifada to stop land encroaching by the Israelis - protesting, civilly disobeying authority. This creates a compromisable setting which both sides can peacefully settle to a solution. The Israelis can't use force against the Palestinians without getting negative attention from the rest of the world; they will resort to negotiations. Palestinians, meanwhile, will probably make progress that could not be made through extremist violence.

This comment is long, but important.

Sarah Jacobs said...

I found a very interesting and informative article on BBC about the same event. (URL: I feel like it's easy to write these attacks off as just more unexplained and unnecessary violence, but we will never reach "compromise" if we do not consider the motives behind attacks like these. Yes, it is unfortunate that Muslim extremists have come to use such awful measures, and yes, we should not just give in to people who choose to use violence rather than more peaceful methods to make a point, but ignoring it will not work either.

Alexandra Kor said...

I agree with Seth and Jodi. Their beliefs are much different from ours. They don't know what it is like to have a freedom of speech or democracy, for that matter.

And I agree with the last part in Jodi's comment. Such deaths are unnecessary but our world isn't perfect.