Sunday, November 15, 2009

Moon Has Water!

A NASA spacecraft was intentionally crashed into the Cabeus crater, found on the permanently shadowed side of the moon, on October 9. At first, it was unclear whether there was water when they hit, but with analysis, NASA has found that with the crash flew up about 25 gallons of water vapor and ice. This finding may provide some lead in finding out more about how the solar system was like at its earlier stages as well as the history of the moon.
What does this mean for us directly? I'm not entirely sure, but maybe in the future when the Earth is used up, we can go fly off in our space ships to live on the moon.

-Yuzo Yanagitsuru


Serena said...

This is so interesting! If it was water, then humans can really live on the moon in the future. This is so fascinating imagining humans being able to survive somewhere else in the universe. Perhaps humans can have another option when the Earth really does run out of supplies.

prestonchan said...

Serena I highly doubt that the moon has that much to offer us in terms of supplies, but I do agree that it is cool that humans can look to the moon as an option in the future.

Jodi Miller said...

It's nice to see something positive happening in the world today.

Chris said...

I wonder how many years it would take them to create a moon base for people to actually go visit or possibly live on at a reasonable cost. It is quite interesting.

WAYLOO said...

We gotta get that space elevator made first.

Justin T. said...

I doubt that we'll be able to use the moon's water on earth because it'll take too much resources to bring just a few gallons over! On the other hand, having a base on the moon is great because it can cut a few days off the visit to Mars. And having water = ability to get water on the Moon without bringing it from Earth. Also, because the Moon hasn't been touched by lifeforms for a while, it's a great place to study rocks and ice and learn about our solar system's history.

(Actually I'm not sure if is it very practical to build a base on the moon to make traveling to Mars easier... Earth -> Moon = a few days. Earth -> Mars = like 400+ days.)

ellery wong said...

ya. i agree how it is a cool discovery. its funny how people stayed up to watch the crash but there was nothing much to watch.

Franklin Wu said...

So easily overlooked is one key factor that is essential to all life. Sure, it has water.. but how do we breathe? What's gonna protect us from UV Radiation? There are so many more factors to human survival than food and water. I think that if life was possible on the moon, there would already be a dome of some sort being built if not finished already.

Jenny Yeonhee Park said...

That's why we should try to keep Earth clean and reduce our carbon footprints. Permafrost, melting ice caps, copenhagen climate change treaty... It all scares me. But yay for Aragon! We are getting solar panels. WOOT WOOT

devin_yan said...

I agree with preston, altough the moon can be an alternative space for humans to live, there probably arent any abundant resources there.

Katherine Wayne said...

That's so cool! The moon was created because a meteor crashed into plant earth and all the rocks and such flew off and formed to create the moon, according to the Science Channel. So, it kind of makes sense that there's water on the moon.