Anybody remember Cheech and Chong?
Proposition 19, the bill that would approve legalization of marijuana for personal use and tax revenue, has gone "Up in Smoke"
With 19% of Precincts reporting at the moment,
56% are voting no on 19 and counting. It is expected to not pass.
Maybe it is for the better that we will not be able to walk into the local drug store and buy a dime's worth for ten dollars+seventy dollars tax. Although the expected tax money that would be brought in appears to be rather generous, their must be better ways to fill the budget deficit.
Supporters claim the failure of the Proposition to be caused by the much older, more conservative voter turnout. They will however claim to come back in 2 years in the next elections when younger politicians will have more influence
glad Prop 19 didn't pass!!!! :)
I am glad prop 19 didnt pass because all it wouldve done is just create more black market activity with weed. if it wouldve passed then the government would taxed it and raised prices even more. people would then lose business if their shop got taxxed more.
-Vernon Wong
Personally, I'm glad that Prop 19 did not pass. It would seem ridiculous to me if marijuana were to be legalized before gay marriage was. I really would not know how to take the people of this country seriously anymore if that were to have happened. I hope that in the next two years, the younger group of voters will grow up and think about the real issues that are associated with the legalization of marijuana, and not just the fact that they want to be able to "have a good time."
I'm glad that Prop 19 didn't pass. Even though it does create lots of tax revenue, the federal government still has the right to seize marijuana if it's being dealt or sold for non medical uses. It's just too much of a hassle for marijuana to be legalized at the moment with California's other problems.
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