Contact lenses are an incredibly helpful invention, helping many people with less than perfect eyesight see in 20/20. However, they have been put to uses other than helping to improve vision. This month, the sale of contact lenses will rise as Halloween approaches. But why?
Back when they were first invented, contact lens were only seen as vision aids. However, nowadays it is possible to get contact lens that are worn solely for cosmetic purposes. During Halloween, many stores across the nation offer over the counter decorative contact lenses that are Halloween themed, which will be eagerly snatched up and worn by consumers who are willing to adorn themselves with lenses that go along with their costume or embrace the holiday spirit.
Despite the awe that can be derived from other people when one puts on these colorful lenses, there are many dangers that are associated with wearing them. Optometrists warn that these contacts may cause potentail inflammation of the eyes, corneal pain, infection and even vision loss. Because decorative lenses are not prescribed and measured for the individual that buys them, they can fit improperly over the eyes, causing them to scratch against the lens of the eyeballs which may lead to serious vision problems.
As a wearer of corrective contact lenses, I know the risks that contact lenses can pose to an individuals eyes if they are not worn properly. Although I think decorative contact lenses are an interesting way of instantly adding visual flair to one’s eyes, the potential vision damage that could happen from wearing improperly fitting lenses or infections one could receive from handling them improperly are reasons to be cautious of them. People who choose to purchase decorative contacts should be educated about the risks associated with them.
What do you guys think about decorative contact lenses? Would you wear them?
Back when they were first invented, contact lens were only seen as vision aids. However, nowadays it is possible to get contact lens that are worn solely for cosmetic purposes. During Halloween, many stores across the nation offer over the counter decorative contact lenses that are Halloween themed, which will be eagerly snatched up and worn by consumers who are willing to adorn themselves with lenses that go along with their costume or embrace the holiday spirit.
Despite the awe that can be derived from other people when one puts on these colorful lenses, there are many dangers that are associated with wearing them. Optometrists warn that these contacts may cause potentail inflammation of the eyes, corneal pain, infection and even vision loss. Because decorative lenses are not prescribed and measured for the individual that buys them, they can fit improperly over the eyes, causing them to scratch against the lens of the eyeballs which may lead to serious vision problems.
As a wearer of corrective contact lenses, I know the risks that contact lenses can pose to an individuals eyes if they are not worn properly. Although I think decorative contact lenses are an interesting way of instantly adding visual flair to one’s eyes, the potential vision damage that could happen from wearing improperly fitting lenses or infections one could receive from handling them improperly are reasons to be cautious of them. People who choose to purchase decorative contacts should be educated about the risks associated with them.
What do you guys think about decorative contact lenses? Would you wear them?
I am so grateful for the creation of contacts, but if I had 20/20 vision, I definitely wouldn't want to stick lenses in my eyes! But at least my contacts are safe. I think it's pretty ridiculous that some people would risk impairing their eyesight for vanity's sake.
I agree with Jess(ia?). People who have 20/20 vision, along with those who don't, obviously have the right to wear whatever they want to enhance their costume or just look different, for any matter. However, the risks that come with compromising eyesight definitely outweigh the costume effect, and it's not worth it, in my eyes (no pun intended).
I think decorative contacts are so cool and I would definitely be up for trying them one Halloween. I think contacts like these should only be sold if their packaging clearly warns people about the dangers behind wearing them and clearly describes how one should take care of their contacts. Maybe contacts like these should only be sold behind the counter in a store with a pharmacy like CVS or Walgreens so a pharmacist could teach wearers how to take care of their contacts and how to properly insert them. I have been wearing contacts for about two years now and if I didn't have an optometrist who trained me in appropriate contact care, I would have no clue how to properly insert or use my contacts.
-Sandy Frank
I most certainly agree with the comments above me. In the future, I hope to wear contacts to get rid of my glasses, and I have certainly thought of getting color contacts. The thought is very, very cool, especially when you have boring colored eyes (like brown which I have). But with that said, there are so many risks, and quite honestly my vision is WAY more important than having alien pupils and whatnot.
People need to be careful with things like this because eyes are irreplaceble. I'm positive that people don't want to lose their eyesite over something like this.
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