Tuesday, October 5, 2010

More sleep please...

It’s this easy.

Close your eyes and sleep away…

Dr.Penev at University of Chicago was the leading scientist conducting research regarding fat loss and sleep deprivation. His research led to the conclusion that more sleep means more fat loss. The different subjects from each group within the experiment experienced the same amount of weight loss, but the group with more sleep lost more fat.

And that’s the first thing to becoming healthier. Lose fat, not weight.

This study was small, but very carefully monitored, according to University of Chicago.

It’s a very short conclusion and so it leads to my next question.

Does sleep deprivation correlate with the high obesity rate in America? I have been getting about five to six hours of sleep a week lately…and most of my friends are getting about the same amount, if not less. Teens have been sleeping less and less due to school work and so after seeing this conclusion, I couldn’t help but to wonder: can we not get healthier because high school is taking precious sleep away from us?

Of course, this is a much generalized assumption because there are lots of obese and overweight American adults too, not just high school students who lose sleep. But since high school students today are going to become the adults of tomorrow…should we worry?


Andrea Nelson said...

I think that we should worry that us teens these days are not getting enough sleep. However i dont really see how sleep deprivation is linked to obesity? That just doesn't make any sense but i think we do need to worry about how we don't get enough sleeep and it is because of school! =[

Unknown said...

YES! There is reason to worry. My mom is always showing me articles about how sleep deprivation can really take a toll on a person's health. Aside from preventing people from losing weight, not sleeping enough can also lead to decreased performance and awareness, increased chance of accidents, depression, irritability, and even physical health disorders such as heart disease. (I'm not making this up - type in "sleep deprivation" on Google and you'll find a slew of studies completed on this subject.) We should be getting at least 8 hours a night - no, not a week, a NIGHT. Is trying to cram information into our brains or attempting to finish that last assignment at 2 am a smart way to spend our time? Or is sleep the smarter option? Our generation of Americans may end up shortening our lives or living less enjoyable lives because of our lack of consideration for bedtime.
-Jessia Hoffman

Ariana Sacchi said...

I think that we should take into consideration our health as teens and young adults (like myself). We are the future of this country, and I feel that if we want healthier people in society, then people need to start making better eating choices and DEFINITELY getting enough sleep.
In my opinion, in order to be successful and healthy, we need to take care of ourselves and that means that we need to get our priorities straight. My questions is: What's more important to YOU - your health or your GPA score? For me, it's my health. Personally, I'd rather not finish my homework on time and get enough sleep so that I can be well rested and be able to focus and work more productively during my classes the following day.
I agree with Jessia's comment, towards the end of it (the last sentence of it and the questions).

Chad Bolanos said...

I believe we should worry a lot. It is very unhealthy for teens to not get enough sleep. We see the effects of this during class when we see people (including myself) doze off during a lecture. If teens continue to get less than eight hours of sleep a night, we will develop this as a habit for when we are adults and will lead to more health problems. I can also see how not enough sleep relates to less fat loss because when people are up for longer periods of time doing homework or other things, they will get hungry because their stomach will crave food. And since it is really late at night, the person can't go and cook a meal, instead they would have to eat some junk food such as chips and soda to satisfy their hunger.