Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Time Magazine Person of the Year: 1 candidate is Iranian Protestors

As I am sure (or hope) many of you know over the summer Iranian "president" Ahmadinejad won re-election. There were many protests around the world to show that these results were not right. For the most part those in other countries were non-violent. However, the protestors in Iran tried to lead a path of non-violence as well but were brutally attacked by the Iranian National Guard and Basij militia. All summer these protests went on. After the death of Michael Jackson, the media stopped covering the protests in Iran. The protestors did not give up, many of them still have not given up. That is why Time Magazine has listed them as a candidate for Person of the Year. I for one, believe this is a great idea it will bring media spotlight back onto the issue. Also, I support what is known as the green movement (if you havent noticed my numerous green bands you will now) in Iran, and really hope that the Iranian protestors win Person of the Year. They truly deserve it because of all they have put up with and their perserverance.


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