Wednesday, December 16, 2009

House approves $154 Billion jobs package

In response to my earlier post, the House has a recently approved a bill extending deadline for unemployment benefits. More importantly, the House narrowly approved the $154 billion job creation package. Before the lawmakers leave for winter recess, Congress has urgently been trying to get this extension passed. Right now, the deadline is December 31, and if the deadline extension is accepted, then it would be extended to February. Costing about 13 billion dollars, this needs to get accepted and become reality.
There could be bad conseuqences if Congress is unable this extension up. About 1 million unemployed could lose there benefits in January. Many of these people rely on benefits because they can not afford things on their own.

THe job creation bill that was narrowly approved with a 217 to 212 vote.
This bill is overwhelming important because it helps create jobs that many Americans need. 1 in 10 americans are unemployed, and these new jobs could give them more opportunities.


Omid Dastgheib said...

This is pretty awesome news. I really hope this gets passed.

Colin Yan said...

You go that right, Omid. I hope it gets passed and help the people who were devastated by the recent recession. Giving them jobs will give them a source of income.