Thursday, November 27, 2008

Obama Begins Choosing War Cabinet

Names are beginning to be floated for President Elect Obama's security team. His choices appear to reveal general bias for competent, experienced, Military-based individuals.....surprise, surprise. But the names currently in the airwaves include retired Marine general James Jones as National Security Advisor, and Robert Gates is to be maintained as Secretary of Defense. The best aspect of these choices would be that the continutity should help is strategize in Iraq. To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure exactly what this would mean for our country in terms of security and defense. Any thoughts?


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Chris Chan said...

I don't really know much about the War Cabinet, but all of the choices make sense, but anybody with a military career that has experience but doesn't necessarily want it would be a good choice for the seats as far as I know.

Colby said...

From what I know about these two they're generally good picks. Robert Gates took the Secretary of Defense job after Rumsfield left and I don't recall the media attacking him for any reason so I'll assume he's doing a decent job. And James Jones was the commander when America first invaded Iraq. Everything was going fine until the top brass pulled him out and replaced him. Then Iraq went to hell. When I saw him for the first time he came across as an intelligent person. So at the moment they seem to be okay picks.

Anonymous said...

I think anyone with a military background is a good choice. I think it is a good idea to have someone advise you on something that they know first hand.