Monday, November 3, 2008

The Death Penalty

My Special Interest Group is the Justice For All Criminal Justice Reform Organization and it made me wonder where the candidates this year stand on the subject and I thought it was interesting to see that their views didn't vary too much. In researching Interest Groups that are pro death penalty I had trouble because the overwhelming majority of the groups and websites out there are ANTI death Penalty, and the US is one of the only developed countries practicing the Death Penalty to the extent we do and we have received a lot of criticism for that. But it doesnt seem to fit with how many anti death penalty groups there seem to be out there.
This Articles in this Teen Magazine is very good and here are some links of what the candidates think about the death penalty.

Teen Inc:


McCain supports the death penalty for federal crimes. McCain says we should extend use of the death penalty and implement stricter penalties for violent felons. McCain supported legislation to prohibit the use of racial statistics in death penalty appeals and supports banning it for persons under eighteen.

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1 comment:

Jesse Chung said...

personally i think that the death penalty can be a good thing because some people really need to die. For example, anyone who rapes a little kid is pretty messed up and we should not have to pay keep him alive after he has done such a horrible thing. Is he crazy? probably but does that mean that we should try to fix him? no i don't think so because you can't really force a heartless person to have a soul. Anyway, I always feel that criminal are treated too nicely and that if they are jailed, they should have to work like, 12 hours a day doing public services to pay for the costs of keeping them alive and to make sure that their experience was very unpleasant so that they won't do it again.