Saturday, March 20, 2010

Unfair judge with too much power?

As I was reading the news I stumbled across this article on the daily news. A judge in Hobart Australia allowed this sex offender to see his children on alternate weekends.
I think this is just flat out wrong. I think the children should be cared by their relatives instead. As said "Decisions in the Family Court are supposed to be about the best interests of the child."
Hopefully the children are safe. Do you think the judge did the right ruling to allow the father to be with his children or not?


Sam Kennedy said...

That would depend on whether the father's sexual act involved his children. If it did not, and he is supervised while with them, I have no objection to his being able to see his children.

If the sexual act did involve his children, then I do have an issue with the judge's ruling.

Georgia Thomas said...

The guidlines that the judge set up seem fair. I agree that another adult should be present while the girls sleep at their fathers house. However, from the point of view of the mother, this doenst seem strict enought. If my ex-husband was a sex offender, I wouldnt want my daughters anywhere near him.

Francis Wang said...

Rehabilitation doesn't really mean anything if those who are rehabilitated are still essentially isolated from the rest of society...