Sunday, March 21, 2010

Landmark Healthcare Bill Passes

Today, the House of Representatives made history as it passed the Healthcare bill into law with a vote of 219 to 212.

To pass the bill, House Democrats made a deal with abortion opponents within their party that an executive order would be given restricting taxpayer dollars from funding abortion. This deal gave the Democrats the final votes they needed. The law requires that insurance companies give aid to all, even those with preexisting conditions, and extends healthcare to 32 million currently uninsured people. The latter significantly reduces rising healthcare costs and will eventually reduce federal budget deficits. The bill also adds 16 million people to Medicaid rolls and subsidizes private coverage to low to middle-income people, at a cost of $938 billion over 10 years. This cost will be offset by significant reductions in Medicare and new taxes and fees on businesses and affluent americans.

What are your opinions / outlooks on the law? Does it reach far enough, or does it fall short? Additionally, the vote took place along party lines, with no Republicans voting for the bill and about 35 Democrats voting against it as well. Why do you think there is such a deep divide between parties? Looking to the future, could the success of the bill determine the continuing success of either party?

1 comment:

The new Kevin (a.k.a Kevin Kwan) said...

How dare you, Obama, for making all Americans get health insurance!!! If I want to throw away my entire savings account on fixing a broken leg, I should have the freedom to do so.

The government shouldn't get between the doctor and the patient, high medical bills and pre-existing condition discrimination should!!! We can't afford to reform health care; we were willing to pay for two wars, but we can't afford to subsidize Americans who can't afford health insurance.

Obama is an evilz c0mmunist!!!11

Seriously, no offense to any fiscal conservative on the blog.