Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Indian military to weaponize world's hottest chili

I thought this was pretty funny. It doesn't sound like a bad idea. The world's hottest chili has the potential to be an effective weapon without actually harming its victims. This is really creative.

Check this out: "It has more than 1,000,000 Scoville units, the scientific measurement of a chili's spiciness. Classic Tabasco sauce ranges from 2,500 to 5,000 Scoville units, while jalapeno peppers measure anywhere from 2,500 to 8,000." I can't even imagine how spicy that would be to eat. No way am ever putting that in my food.

The article mentions the "ghost chili" as a use for " aerosol sprays to be used by women against attackers and for the police to control and disperse mobs." It could be used as a new type of pepper spray. I wonder if the chili juice would actually damage one's eyes though. Anyways, I think this is a really creative way for using a type of food. Who knew food could be used as a weapon?


Victor H. said...

Well...isn't that basically pepper spray on steroids? It's not really a new concept then...they are just adding a non-lethal weapon to their arsenal for use in crowd control.

As for harming the eyes...if it's that powerful and if it is really as nasty as it sounds, I'm sure there is a high possibility that it could cause serious harm.

~Victor H

Georgia Thomas said...

Although it sounds funny, I think this is just a different version of pepper spray. And if you have ever eaten (or seen someone eat) really really spicy food (jalepeno peppers) then you know that it can be quite painful to ingest--so it would probably be really painful to get in your eyes, nose, mouth etc.

Lily said...

"Who knew food could be used as a weapon?"

Haven't you seen all those cartoons with bannana peels as tripping "weapons"? ;)

SethXY said...

In AP Psych we learned that spice in a food is picked up by nocireceptors that is found in the tongue and nose. I would not be surprised that something this spicy could be used as a weapon because overstimulization of these nerves is a painful experience but not one that could kill someone. However, this seems almost like a biological weapon which I believe is banned under the Geneva Accords but maybe it's not dangerous enough to qualify.

Dana said...

I've heard that pepper spray is relatively hard to get in stores (wherever they sell it that is), so I wonder how readily available this new chili pepper spray would be once it has been perfected and put on sale to consumers.

Joshua Lu said...

I see. Oops. Haha I guess the idea of using this chili as a weapon isn't that unique after all. I see what you guys are saying and agree that this will be just like a different type of pepper spray.

I wonder if this would be considered a biological weapon too, Seth. However, I do not think this "ghost chili" would even come close to the effects of mustard gas.

PH(OE)BE said...

The military would be using this as a weapon? So, I'm assuming they'd be using this as some kind of close range weapon...
If that's the case, I really don't consider this to be that effective...

PH(OE)BE said...

Wait, I just read up on the article. So they're using "chili grenades," basically. That would make more sense!

Jodi Miller said...

Haha. I like that, Victor: "pepper spray on steroids".

I agree. This is such a good idea!! It's potentially dangerous, but it isn't really harmful.

I LOVE spicy foods, so now I'm tempted to try and eat this chili!!

Catherine Riviello said...

I agree with the majority of what people have already said. It seems to me that while this is a semi-creative idea, the only real "weapon" they create from this is a more intense version of pepper spray, which probably won't get used as frequently as they think.
I feel like using food as an alternative weapon is creative, but only if the weapon itself is something original as well.

devin_yan said...

man.. these chili peppers sound hot.. i would not want to be attacked by somethign this hot.

Colin Yan said...

sounds very very interesting. I think i would actually support a weapon like this. This seems like it could put down a crowd of people without actually killing or seriously injuring them.
I have always believed destructive and explosive weapons to be scary. A safer sounding weapon will make me sleep better at night!

Amreet said...

Wow! This is really awesome! Well, considering that India is known for its spices, I'm glad its using it effectively. This pepper spray will be a BIG hit in India considering mobs and the amount of weird people who wander the streets that can be potential danger. In general, if this spice in any way comes in contact with a human (via mouth, eyes, nose or anything) it can be very harmful. GOOO INDIA!!!