Wednesday, October 10, 2012

VP debate prep

The upcoming VP debate is an unpredictable weight for the upcoming election. There are six main points to watch out for in tomorrow's debate:

  • Uncontrollable Biden - Mr. Biden has been very vocal and aggressive about Romney's facts in the debate. The public, Mr. Ryan included, is sure that Biden will be in full attack mode, not letting any comment he disagrees with slip by. It is believed that Biden plans to make up for Obama's passiveness. 
  • Ryan Budget - Many people were put off by Romney's lack of specifics in last week's debate so people are hoping that Ryan will be able to fill in the blanks. Biden is ready to fill in the Romney supported budget. 
  • Medicare - The big question regarding medicare cuts is what position Ryan will take about it. Biden is hoping to trip up Ryan with some of the numbers but he need to make certain he doesn't go too far against "Obamacare." He had a similar plan incorporated into his House budget.
  • "Fiscal Cliff" - Romney is using the "fiscal cliff" as a direct attack against the White House. He believes that the tax cuts made during the Bush ere and the 2013 automatic spending cut will cripple the military. Again Ryan needs to watch out as he voted toward the automatic budget cuts.
  • Foreign - Foreign affairs is no doubt going to be a major focus because of Martha Raddatz, ABC New's senior foreign affairs correspondent, is the moderator and because of the recent events in North Africa and Middle East. Ryan hopes to undermine the killing of Osama bin Laden by linking it to the death of an American ambassador in Libya
  • Blunders - While many Republicans like to paint Biden as someone who often blunders. Ryan however, was impressed with Biden's 2008 debate against Palin. After reviewing debate tape people realized that while he may not make the best speeches, he has consistently done well with a structured debate. 

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