Sunday, October 7, 2012

A shift in Israeli policy

     Turning an eye to the world, Israel appears to be gearing up to explore another route in addressing the Iran question. As opposed to the militaristic stance previously expressed by means of the "red line," the NY Times reported that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had pushed for increased sanctions in collaboration with its European allies.
Playing with fire.
From the Onion
     With its characteristic snark, though, the Onion framed the issue in a slightly more lighthearted context. Does the phrase "laying the groundwork for a nuclear holocaust that will kill billions of people and eventually end the world as we know it" strike fear into your heart? However the status quo may resemble brinkmanship, the prime minister certainly doesn't seemed fazed. 


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In contrast to Israel's previous militaristic policies in regards to Iran, I believe that the new diplomatic shift relying on sanctions is a much more civil and viable method to stop Iran's nuclear program. If, as Netanyahu stated, more direct and potent sanctions are placed on Iran, the pressure will ultimately force the cancellation of the nuclear plan. The Prime Minister is right to support this hard-nosed policy, as the nuclear program in Iran could be potentially devastating and ultimately cause this "World War 3."