Monday, October 15, 2012

Early Voting

Michelle Obama is a strong supporter for voting early as she showed today when she sent in her ballot. She believes early voting will help her husband's campaign and has been working hard to schedule herself to be in swing states at the start of their start of early voting. She believes that early voting will help her husband get reelected by swaying people and having them act on their opinions. It has been set up so that after rallies there is transportation to a polling place so people can vote early. She calls early voting the campaign's "secret weapon."

President Obama is planning on casting his vote early too. He plans to cast his vote on October 25th in Chicago. He should probably get some good press from that. When he casts his vote early he will be the first ever candidate to vote early. Is it a smart move on his part to do that? Maybe it will lead to some good publicity.

"We want you all to vote early. We want you to think about voting early, whether it’s by mail, or in person, vote early, because if you vote early, then you can spend your time on election day getting everyone that you know out to vote," said Mrs. Obama. Is early voting a good strategy for Obama? Will early voting make a difference?

1 comment:

Sam Alavi said...

I think that early voting can be a helpful thing because it increases voter turnout overall. If people vote early, they can avoid the annoying lines and craziness of election day. It also gives you a chance to forget to vote today, tomorrow, and the day after (all the way until Nov 6th,) instead of just having it slip your mind until Tuesday afternoon when you are too tired to go out and vote. In terms of Obama, it can work to his advantage if people actually vote early for him, showing that people are confident in him.