Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tagg Romney "jokes" about punching Obama

In an interview on a North Carolina radio show, Mitt Romney's son, Tagg, was asked how it felt like for him to have the President call his father a liar during the debate on Tuesday. Tagg responded that he wanted to " jump out of [his] seat and [he] want to rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at [Obama]." He later went on to say " But you know you can’t do that because, well, first there is a lot of Secret Service between you and him but also because this is the nature of the process, they’re going to do everything they can do to make my dad into someone he is not.” 

What was intended to be a joke soon became taken as an insult when parts of the conversation were taken out of context and spread across the internet by outraged liberals. The later parts of the conversation, where Tagg cleared up that he did not literally want to punch the President were taken out, leaving only the portions where he stated his urge to "take a swing" at Obama. Regardless of whether or not it was meant to be a joke, a large amount of people are taking offense at the comment anyways, since it is about punching the President of the United States. Some even go as far as to say that this comment should be taken in consideration when deciding who to vote for in the elections, stating,"the American public should think twice before electing a man to be Commander-in-Chief who apparently can’t even raise respectful children." I personally think this point of view is too harsh, because in my opinion  one comment should not be more considered more important than the beliefs that each candidate stands for. However, I feel that this comment is definitely not helping public opinion of the Romneys, especially at such a crucial time in the elections. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here we see the nature of politics! Everything is taken out of context, spun, then distributed to citizens through the media. I recently read an article regarding this incident on Yahoo and i should have known better then to take it seriously. Anyone who listens to the context would understand that his words were not intended to be taken seriously. I doubt this will have an affect on voters.