Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Qaddafi Bombs Towns Containing Rebels.

I'm sure that everyone has been following the events which have been taking place in Libya these past few months. In summary, the long ruling president of Libya (Qaddafi) has faced opposition and has started a quasi civil-war in his nation between his supporters and the mostly radical Islamics who are not in support of his policies or his "oppressive rule." Until recently the world at large was curious as to how Qaddafi would deal with the rebels in his nation but now, enough has been done to answer that question. As a self-proclaimed "martyr" Qaddafi has sworn to eradicate the radicals from his nation as he blames Osama bin-Laden and Al-Qaeda for having incited the rebels to fight against his rule. Most recently, Qaddafi has started a bombing campaign on rebel towns and villages in an attempt to suppress the wave of rebellion which has swept through the region ever since President Hosni Mubarak was ousted in early February this year. Now that Qaddafi has put troops on the ground and is not curbing to international pressures (specifically from the UN and the United States) he has made it clear that although do control many strongholds he will not be one to cause rebellion to spread. As it seems, the wave of rebellion has slowly calmed due to Qaddafi's strong military response, what other rebellion will occur if the rebels win. From one perspective the rebels represent grass roots support for a new government in Libya, but from another perspective it is these same rebels who are anti-American and also support radical Islam. As a moderate if not quasi-progressive Muslim, Qaddafi has openly shown some allegiance to western goals of increasing literacy rates, creating gender equality, and raising the standard of living in his nation. Also, Qaddafi as shown support for Israel by stating that he opposes a two-state solution in the Israel-Palestine conflict as Israel would be quickly crushed and the radical Islamic control of the region would grow to dangerous proportions. What opinions do people have on this issue? Should the US get involved or stay out of this issue?

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