Thursday, March 24, 2011

Obama's take on Gadhafi and Libya

To start off, this is very relevant to the last post that my colleague conor has posted. My topic focuses more on Obama then Boehner and his remarks towards Obama.

Obama wants Gadhafi taken care of immediately. He agrees that he is a direct threat to civilians and his people. He has taken a big role on the support of the advancement of U.S military action. His reasons for this is because we support the mandate of the U.N. which states that they will protect the humanitarian efforts. After his threat to Gadhafi on Friday, Gadhafi still acted aggressively to civilians. Apparently, Obama has taken a large role of leadership on this Libya mission, but only for days, not weeks or months (previously stated on the last post ).

Having consulting with the U.N council, they decided to move forward with the military action and to prevent any air travel in Libya airspace. It is obvious that they need to take action and not just give threats. He says that his commitment allows for the partners of international coalition to follow through on this Libya mission.

The issues here is that many people in the congress have minimal information on what is happening. This is probably largely due to the fact that Obama has taken quick decisions on the Libya mission without consulting much with Congress. People are frustrated due to the lack of consultation before Obama's actions.

What are your thoughts on this?

Is Obama acting too much in secrecy?

 Is committing our support really what our country should be doing when we already have another war to take care of?

What are other factors that I could not be stating?

Have a great day!!


Ryan said...

I feel like Obama is acting too much in secrecy. I can understand his point and views on what's happening and that he wants to have Gadhafi taken care of immediately, and I agree that Gadhafi is a direct threat to civilians and his people.

Though I feel that this was an important and necessary move by Obama,I think that he should have informed Congress on his plans before doing so. I believe that with his reasons he could have cut back the level of frustration.

Vernon Wong said...

I think that the U.S should not commit 1005 of its efforts to Libya, I think should finish our businesses in other places then move on to Libya, but I think that we could be allowed to station troops there because of our commitment to the U.N in protecting human rights. I think that Obama needs to inform congress what he does before he does it.