Wednesday, March 9, 2011

NPR Thinks That Republicans are " seriously racist, racist people," and Americans for The Most Part Are "Uneducated."

What a surprise, NPR is not liberally biased! In a rigged interview two top NPR executives have been recorded as supporting the radical "Islamic Brotherhood" and denouncing American activity so far with regard to Egypt, the execs also implied that a disproportionate number of Republicans and conservatives were "uneducated," "gun-toting" hillbillies. These executives show exactly the issues which NPR is willing to support in order to receive donations. And while this does not subtract from the quality of news which they report, it does undermine their legitimacy as an unbiased news radio station. For the record, the execs knew that the goal of their interviewees organization (Muslim Education Action Center) was to "combat intolerance to spread acceptance of Sharia across the world. " Thats the news for the hour.


Ryan Yu said...

Well, yeah Timothy. NPR has never really been known as the "unbiased news radio station" that you state it to be. It's always been regarded as having a liberal slant.

And more importantly, (not mentioned in the OP!) was the alleged shielding of these massive donations from the IRS. Now that puts NPR in a bad light. And they disavowed the comments! Surprise.

Dan Fu said...

News stations are hardly ever unbiased nowadays, and that has just become another fact of life. Plus it looks like these are sound bytes taken from an overall conversation that we'd need context to understand.

Timothy Chidyausiku said...

@ Ryan: I have no idea what you are rambling about.
@ Daniel: Click on the link to finally become enlightened about your "sound bytes."

Ryan Yu said...

This is what I'm rambling about: