Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Apology from UCLA Student

I am pretty sure many people saw the video of the UCLA student who ranted online about Asian students and their "manners." She released a statement claiming that the video was "inappropriate" and she doesn't know what "possessed" her to post it in the first place. Not much of an apology but it's something. I saw the video and I really was not offended by it. I feel that some of the things that she mentioned are true. I don't think it was the right way to convey her message but her claims are not totally untrue. She showed frustration toward the demographics at UCLA and the cultural difference that comes with it. There is a larger population of Asian than white students. I don't know Wallace's (the girl who made and posted the video) background but I understand her frustration. There is a demographic shift in many of the top schools in America and with a demographic shift comes a cultural shift. The importance and the value of one's family differs from culture to culture. I think that this kind of frustration is inevitable and needs to be accounted for by the community or the school.
As for the library statement, she would be horrified at our library.
Though I do not agree with her way of expressing her frustration, I think Wallace brought up a point about differences in values. I did not think that the video was offensive but it did not fail to call a large reaction against it. What do you think about the changing demographics of the colleges and student (including Wallace's) reactions to them.


raymond94010 said...

mmmmmmm...... yes i agree.

the video is just racial smack, it really is just whatever.
yes, some of that is true... but the real hype over it is that UCLA girl is stating what is usually said behind her backs in front of people. I believe what is said behind a person/people's back should be revealed to the people/person... but when you multiply that by the power of the internet.... well you better be prepared for a general audience becauz now you're not just ranting to your classmates, you're just ranting to the world.

This brings up the very important issue of the power of the internet! Remember those public service announcement commercials? the new ones are how to use the internet! Remember kids! once its on the internet, you can't erase it!

there are two sides to every coin. look for david so and watch his reply vlog!

Cris Madrigal said...

Well people talking on their phone in the library is annoying no matter what race....

Jason Galisatus said...

I think I'm pretty closely aligned with Ayaka on this one. I was only really offended when she did the whole ching chong thing. Not because it's making fun of the language, but because that joke is so OLD. If she's going to be offensive, at least do it with some originality. Sheesh. anyway. Look. I'm Asian. Believe it or not. And I was not offended. Like Ayaka said, some of it was on point. The people, I think, who have been MOST offended are not Asians, because so far none of my Asian friends have actually been offended. It's been white people who have been freaking out. Do I think the freakout is unjustified? Not really. But do I think "disciplinary actions" should be taken? Also not really. She wasn't inciting violence, she wasn't saying Asian people are stupid, immoral, etc. so whatever. She'll get her 15 minute slap on the wrist and things will go on.

Unknown said...

I agree with Chris. I can see how both can be annoying. She just made a few remarks that she could've re-phrased such as the "calling your relatives who were affected by the tsunami" quote. I do think that changing and expanding demographics are good for cultural understanding, but it is always good to keep in mind common decency.

Michael Miyahira said...

Hey, I don't know why, but I posted the comment above and it put my name as William instead.

Alexander Phinney said...

The cops don't have anything better to do than crack down on an inappropriate college student? I'm disappointed, but this video doesn't deserve the attention it's gotten, and this isn't really worth debating.

alice :] said...

I wasn't going to watch the vlog, because sometimes it's just better to live in some sort of ignorance and not get involved in all the hype. But, I succumbed and watched it. Honestly, I was ready to be offended, but like Ayaka and Jason, I'm really not. The only offensive part is the whole "ching chong" etc. part, because if you really listened to Asian people, we don't sound like that. "Hoards" of Asians aren't admitted because they sound stereotypically illiterate.
But, the rest of the video is quite true. As an Asian kid, I definitely know what she's talking about, and it's totally annoying! Don't talk on your phone in a university library! ESPECIALLY during finals week! I'm surprised people don't get booted out for that. Either way, like Phinney said, this really isn't something that warrants all the commotion, and I'm not quite sure she deserves her punishment (people have said/done worse things), although no one should ever joke about other people's plight.

Jasmine (Jia) Huang said...

truthfully saying, i was slightly offended by the her video mostly due to the way she presented her opinion. i mean, it is common that asian people talk loudly and i understand her frustration, but i did not think it was nessecery for her the immitate with "chiing chong ..."

and the one thing that i really didnt like is when she saud that UCLA recruits hords of asians which make it sound like the students are undeserving of going to the school.

and personally, i think her responce/apology was pretty lame and unsincere. i feel like the only remorse she felt is the fact that she was stupid enough to upload the video

Bobby John said...

My mom works in Special Ed down at Borel Middle School. One day, she tried to stop a hyperactive, rowdy young man from doing what he was doing and he turned around to yell, "CHING CHONG CHING" at her.

It's like adding an "o" at the end of every word to make it Spanish. It makes you wonder what we teach kids in school these days.

Anonymous said...

As we all know everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I certainly agree that this was not offensive. To be quite honest the arguments and points she made were quite dumb on her part. She just made herself look like a complete idiot. While I understand her frustration, it's not like people talking on their phones in the library only applies to ONE race. I'll say it I have done it before and I also have heard people doing it and have gotten annoyed. But is it really necessary and appropriate to post your frustrations on the internet??? On the note of the apology it is indeed something, but it's not much. That being said, it's better than nothing. I see it as a way for her to TRY and salvage her reputation at UCLA.

Emily Zelter

Jessia H said...

Honestly, I feel bad for her. Obviously she has no one to blame for her actions but herself, but nevertheless, the legacy of this video will probably haunt her for quite some time.

Ayaka Chin said...

well just to update, she withdrew from UCLA yesterday. I think that was a little harsh on her part but no one told her to do it. I think the public is to blame for her withdrawal.

Vernon Wong said...

She deserved to get kicked out and i am happy about it. The way she presented her points about asians being loud pissed me off and i am glad she got kicked out and hope she ends up jobless one day because this video makes her look like a racist pig.