Thursday, February 25, 2010

Killer Whales

I know this isn't really government of anything like that but I came across this article and I thought I would do a post on something that was interesting but not to many people have heard about.

With the death of sea world trainer Dawn Brancheau people are thinking more about wild life being kept in captivity. Even tho this animal was highly trained to work with its trainer it is still an animal with natural instincts. There is no real doubt that sea world has an effect on wild life and its conservation. People say that the orcas should live freely because of there massive size and should not be kept in captivity. If this is true then shouldnt all animals be free. I think that this was just an accident and that the orca is just an animal and things like this happen, yes it is tragic but it is true. What do you think about zoos and animal captivity? Do you think it may help animal or is it just for peoples intertainment? There is no doubt in my mind that with out some of these places that some animals would be extince. This in not the case in all places.


Jenny Yeonhee Park said...

I agree Amanda! I think it would be unreasonable to release all captive animals. Like you mentioned, some animals need human protection. I think we have responsibility especially since most of the time, it is because of human intervention that their species became endangered.
While others may argue that holding animals in captivity is another example of man's tendency to intervene in the natural cycles of the world, I disagree. There are instances when we captivate animals for selfish reasons, but I think the benefit of times once in a while when we prevent species from going extinct are too great to sacrifice the whole idea of keeping at least some animals captive.

Sam Kennedy said...

Releasing animals raised in a captivity would be a bad idea. They wouldn't be able to survive in the real world.

As long as there isn't any large amount of animal cruelty going on, I don't have a problem with Sea World. Training an animal doesn't seem to be very cruel, but who knows? I don't know a ton on the subject so I'll reserve judgement.

All the same, I kind of wonder what would happen to all the cows the world raises for food if we let them all go free. Anyone have an answer to this interesting hypothetical?

Amanda Rosas said...

Sam i like the cow comment it made me laugh pluss i think that cows woold not do to well :)

Yvonne Lee said...

I think that animals such as the orcas who need human help should be held in captivity, but not used for human entertainment. Orcas are humongous and can be dangerous to the trainer's health. However, animals such as dolphins or sea lions who need help and aren't that dangerous can be used for human entertainment.