Friday, February 26, 2010

Health Care Or No Care?

There are many different options about yesterdays health summit and people cant seem to agree on how long this will seem to take. As president Obama continues to work he is trying to find ways that will help the American public with the health care that they so desperately need. The new health care plan that Obama was talking about has many different sections and they each need different ways of making them happen. Some work right away some need negotiation and some may just be scraped .

1 comment:

SethXY said...

I think we can all agree that healthcare is a huge heap of complicated legislation and regulations. From what I've seen in the healthcare bill, it's built upon many compromises. However, there are more compromises and changes that need to be finalized in order for it to pass. I believe that Obama is strategically working his timing in order to get the majority of what he wants passed. I really hope that it gets passed because this bill is something that many Americans truly need and deserve.