Monday, February 15, 2010

List of Links

Here's a list of links of things found on the web that were interesting or funny (but that I won't have time to write a full-on blog post about) with a short description:

Superbowl Blog: This is a pretty awesome blog matching up every president with a Superbowl and doing an analysis on each game with its matching president (44 Superbowls, 44 Presidents). The only slightly scary thing is that the Superbowls are beating the Presidents by more than a field goal.

The Onion's video: A satirical video: "New Lay Would Ban Marriages Between People Who Don't Love Each Other." Pretty funny.

Eunomia: Posting a little analysis about the upcoming election year and how the Democrats will fare (not necessarily worse than normal, although it is possible). It also uses some polling stats and analysis to assert that any big losses in Congress isn't necessarily due to dissatisfaction with Obama.

Newsflash: CNN brief on one of the top Taliban commanders, who has reportedly been captured.

"Adults Aren't Alright": Holds some interesting statistics and opinions about adults using social networking systems (mainly Twitter) versus teenage use (which has become more and more relevant as I've heard about many parents of classmates joining Facebook). Bottom line: adults do stupid things on internet. *Note: this article is rated PG for brief mentions of things unsuitable for children

Rachel Maddow, Aaron Schock, and Miranda Rights: There's a video and the manuscript. There's a little bit of discussion on Miranda rights, and Mirandizing suspects.

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