Friday, February 5, 2010

The Whole Healthcare Issue

Next year, our government programs will account for over half of our countries health-care spending. More and more people are turning to things such as medicaid, and taking business away from the private industries. These governmental programs are taking such a toll on our spending, and are adding to our national deficit (which is over 1 trillion dollars). On top of that, health-care costs continue to rise, which draws even more customers away from private industries. Our rising dependency on programs such as Medicare and Medicaid is causing an overall increase in health-care spending. Many states are currently finding it quite difficult to fund their medicaid programs, and so Obama has called for 25 billion dollars of federal money to be used to help cover these costs. While the whole health-care issue continues on, I just cannot fathom how large our deficit will become, and how dangerous all of this is.

-Jane Hayashi-

1 comment:

Andrew said...

I'm sure Reid's still happy. He's covered, so no worries.