Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Race Tightens

Polls have shown that after the 3rd debate the gap between Obama and McCain has tightened. Wandering Republicans who wandered off for a while are starting to go back to McCain. The article about this said Obama had 44%, while McCain had 43%, that number is so close I don't know how accurate it is but the point is that the race is getting closer. I was talking with a registered independent tonight, and they said that they were originally going to vote for McCain, but that they thought that it wasn't worth it because they thought McCain was sure to lose, so they were pondering whether to not vote at all, or just vote Obama. I hope this attitude isn't shared by a lot of people, because voter turnout is crucial to this election.


JN said...

I agree that voter turnout is very important for this election, since the race is so close. If people don't vote because they assume that the candidate will win without their vote, then the candidate may lose a lot of votes that he really needs to win.

R. Bal said...

I'm actually a bit surprised that McCain was able to tighten up the race as much as he has, since he was down by so much only one week ago. However, we must be reminded that this one poll may be a fluke, and that Obama may be ahead by a lot instead.
Also, voter turn out is also based a lot on the polls that we rely for information like this one. If people did not really know if their candidate was going to win or not, I believe that there would be much more voter turn out as the avg voter would still think that they could have a great impact on how the election turns out, unless you live in California or Texas of course.