Monday, October 20, 2008

The Legacy Of The VP

In about the past 20 years, the VP and possible VP's have made significant errors in common sense. The late 80's to early 90's had Dan Quayle who had his spelling issues, when he spelled potato wrong.

It definatly doesn't look good to have one of countries leaders spell simple words wrong.

There was also when Cheney accidently shot his friend in the face.

Recently Joe Biden made a ridiculous mistake of his own, and forgot how to count, because JOBS is clearly a 3 letter word.

And I don't think I need to cite Sarah Palin's mistakes, since there are previous posts about it.

A little mistake here and there isn't bad, but when your vice president you should know better. I think candidates need to take a better look at the people they are choosing, because who they pick is going to represent them and these mistakes aren't very appealing to the public. Most of these people went to prestigious schools, and its ridiculous to see them make these mistakes. I know when I look back at previous presidencies, these mistakes really stick out in my mind, and I doubt this is how the presidents want their term to be remembered for. So lets hope Biden or Palin don't mess up any more.




Ally Bragg said...

Let me begin by saying that you are not wrong, vice presidential candidates should be able to count and spell simple words.I also think the videos and articles about it are very funny. On the other hand, despite their small mistakes, they are, at the very least, relatively competent people. To be fair, we've all, even the best and brightest of us, had moments where we've made slips like that. We are not public political figures or speaking in front of the entire country and beyond. To error is human after all, and it's understandable to be a bit nervous speaking in front of so many people with so much at stake. So, while a US senator should be able to count to 4, I think they deserve a little slack for making the occasional small mistake. As long as they keep the big, national ones to a minimum.

JN said...

We expect a lot from our president and vice president, but we have to remember that they are people that make mistakes just like us. I think it's okay for our vice president to make a few small mistakes like spelling errors because the most important thing that we should focus on is whether or not the person is doing a good job as vice president.

Garret Conour said...

Oh the irony of a misspelled word (definitely, not definatly) in the paragraph following a criticism of Dan Quayle's misfortunes in spelling...

Sarah Ng said...

Yes, VP candidates are humans and all humans make mistakes. But when under the public eye, everything is magnified, and the public is pretty much merciless. Though one's ability to lead the nation probably has little correlation to one's inability to count simple 4 letter words, this small mistake is an easy target for the opposing party. Within minutes, it can be blown out of proportion. So yes, VP candidates are human. However, I do think that they ought to be very prepared and trained to speak and answer questions under pressure because as we can all see, Palin's performances have arguably weakened McCain's image.