Wednesday, January 18, 2012

U.S Involvement in Syria?

Bashar al-Assad, Syria's leader, slowly dwindles as the war against the Syrian government rages on. For about a year now, people all over Syria have been protesting against the Syrian government calling for change. Leader al-Assad has been beside himself about what to do; many calling him "as delusional now as when the protests began". With a scarce number of loyal people left, al-Assad has turned to increased violence and oppression toward the increasing number of protesters. The international human rights organization states that it's "to be one of the worst in the Middle East."

After 10 months al-Assad continues in attempt to save what is left of his regime, his recent speech called on loyalists to continue their support and not to lose faith.

"Assad will fight to the end simply because he cannot even conceive of his end."

As the oppression continues, U.S as well as the international community question what role they should take in this. So far, they have continued their economic sanction, not getting directly into the middle of things which is surprising as that seems to be a trend of the United States, getting in between the affairs of other countries. Although the sanctions have lowered the Syrian economy, it has not lowered the violence or oppression.

Do you guys think U.S. should get more involved?


Kimi Hashizume said...

Personally I think that the US government should stay out of other counties affairs. We are constantly involved in other countries affairs whether or not our involvement is being asked for. If anything we will probably cause more of an uproar and our tension with the Middle East to mount. It's Syria's choice to take action as they see fit, after all I highly doubt we'd want other countries attempting to fix an affair that wasn't theirs. Although, some may argue that it is our job to since we are such a powerful country, we also don't know every detail that is happening there or specifically what the people want.

Kimi Hashizume said...

Personally I think that the US government should stay out of other counties affairs. We are constantly involved in other countries affairs whether or not our involvement is being asked for. If anything we will probably cause more of an uproar and our tension with the Middle East to mount. It's Syria's choice to take action as they see fit, after all I highly doubt we'd want other countries attempting to fix an affair that wasn't theirs. Although, some may argue that it is our job to since we are such a powerful country, we also don't know every detail that is happening there or specifically what the people want.

robertbaiata said...

i agree with Kimi, we are too involved with other countries which could hurt our alliances or could create new enemies. I think we should let the citizens of Syria and their government deal with the problem because the US would only be looking for ways to help them selfs out and not fix the big problem.