Wednesday, January 5, 2011

North Korea calling it quits?

After months of tension between North and South Korea, North Korea is showing signs of surrender. Earlier today, the communist country called for "'unconditional and early'" negotiations with South Korea, putting an end to the uneasiness between the two countries. However, deeming the proposal as artificial, South Korea will only consider talks until its northern counterpart apologizes for the devastating attacks against Seoul.

Now if you guys aren't familiar with the conflict, earlier in 2010, North Korean artillery showered a South Korean island, killing four citizens. Eight months earlier, North Korea also sank a South Korean warship, killing 46 sailors. Although North Korea denies such attacks, either way, the country is trying to amend their relationship with South Korea as the New Year begins. Pyongyang is in need for fuel and food assistance, and wants international aid-for-nuclear-disarmament to be put on hold for talks to restart. Meanwhile, the U.S. and South Korea will only do so if North Korea agrees to certain nuclear disarmament commitments.

Even China, North Korea's ally, is pushing for North Korea to make negotiations with South Korea. Neither China nor the United States want to see North Korea come out as a nuclear state. Only until North Korea shows that it is serious in its negotiations, and takes steps towards nuclear disarmament, will talks for peace start occurring. Although no agreement has occurred yet, at least North Korea is showing willingness to end its conflict between South Korea.

Do you guys think North Korea is being genuine in trying to begin peace talks? Why do you think North Korea is deciding to end the conflict now? Will North Korea admit their faults and concede to peace talks, or is there no end in sight?

1 comment:

Chris Chan said...

It's good to see the conflict between North Korea and South Korea finally coming to an end. I don't know specifically why they would do such a thing, but as long as they stop their violence in South Korea, it's definitely a good sign. North Korea seems only to be doing it because it needs supplies though, and this still sort of makes me a little nervous about them because they could go back on their word and start its violence again after recieving supplies. But I hope they do not and come to peaceful terms with South Korea and such.