Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I wonder how many people understand the meaning of the phrase "those who don't know history are prone to repeat it"
That makes me wonder how many of you know history, and i dont mean know the facts, i mean know the concepts, what they indicate, and how they relate to today's issues.

1917, there was a massive redistribution of wealth in Russia. in 1918, massive civil unrest, followed by civil war, poverty, starvation, and millions of deaths. it took the government four years to realize that the government cannot run business and the economy as well as small business enterprises driven by profit can.
What do you know?

1922, the government implemented NEP. How many of you actually know what this abbreviation stands for??? After starving dozens of millions of people to death, the government allowed NEP to happen.
New Economic Politics, a controlled form of capitalism, in which everyone who seized their newly granted opportunity, succeeded and prospered. Former Russia, now the Soviet Union government, realized its incompetence in economics and its ability to run business.

There were another 20 million people who were free to challenge the government, but the government was better informed, better backed up, and more experienced. And so, while they were free to express themselves, the government knew what was better for them, and 20 million people were executed in Russia in the 1930's.

Should we be talking about the 60 million people executed by marxist believers in China?

Im not sure if i should make you guys waste your time THINKING about what marxism (the base philsophy behind communism) did to people of Cuba and North Korea. We are all aware that life there is so great, that people just cant line up fast enough to immigrate to those countries.

There are several more dozens of countries in the world that have tried to run this experiment successfully and YES, it was a GREAT success, for the very tiny, elite groups of people that in so called, in uneducated, obtuse, southern-type thinking states, we call dictators. NO, these people are more accurately labeled by the liberal politically-correct term: Freedom Fighters.

All these wonderful people have started with such magnanimous ideas, why not, after decades of their progress, and history in the making, just take a tour through those countries, converse with people, breath some free air, and share the joy that those free people are experiencing today.

And less than a hundred years after the first experiment, through our reforms, we're following in the exact footsteps of Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Hitler (who by the way, started as a national socialist), Castro, and please dont forget Kim Jong Il!!

You might ask WHAT politics of our president today have in common with all the above mentioned philanthropists.
For one, they all engaged in the redistribution of wealth. One of the greatest things that all of these leaders had in common was that they promised a free heaven on earth to everybody who would follow them. However, so far, our leader was not as successful at silencing the opposition as were the other philanthropists, although, there have been a few attempts by the white house in recent months to silence radio talk shows stirring up opposition. But then again, Why should atrue intellectuals waste their time by listening to Rush Limbaugh? All of the fortunate people from the past thought that the government can run things better than the private enterprises and look where they are now, 'heaven' on earth!

Maybe, just MAYBE, its time, to start thinking, to start using your own brains!
Make your own analysis.
But then again, WHY BOTHER.....just look at the wonderful worryfree life that marxist based socialist countries have to offer!
Lets all support Obama as he takes us towards socialism. Lets all put on hats with red stars. And sure enough, Mr. Obama will take care of us.


Victor Sukhovitsky said...

by the way, i may use this post in other ways than for the blog exclusively, because i am involved in other correspondences with political figures. heads up.

Jack Rogers said...

Ok Glenn Beck

-Jack Rogers

LahaRulle said...

I don't feel like you are connecting your examples to your main point very well. I found it hard to decipher the point of all of the central paragraphs.

-Ilan Seid-Green

Amos Yan said...

You know I've always wondered why people like to compare Obama to the past communist leaders.
Anyone know why??

Andrew said...

Victor please don't turn into one of those radical conservative commentators. Most of what you said made sense, and, absolutely, people should, but don't, unfortunately, learn from previous history. However, let me remind you that, states' rights, limited government, total private enterprise, and a total free market is just as dangerous to the American people as the devastating effects of socialism, communism, totalitarianism, etc. can be. Capitalism can be just as disgusting as communism. While Obama, may, just may, have socialist ideals, which in SOME cases are not such a bad thing, it will be close to impossible for Congress and the American people (referring to partisan conservatives) to allow him to commit them into practice. Unless the people, as you said, want to be blindly led into mind bondage and 1984.

No man is just a number!

I will give cookies to the next person who is able to identify that quote.

Jack Rogers said...
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Anders said...

Jack: Way to add nothing to the thread and make a completely idiotic comparison, thats not even worth 1 point.

Ilan: While organization might be in order an actual opinion on the piece probably would have gone a bit further.

Amos: "Those who don't know history are prone to repeat it" was Victor's title and as such is attempting to relate the past to the present. As a result liberal politicians are compared to liberal politicans (socialists being an extreme example) and conservative politicans are compared to conservative politicans (normally those that have done the worst job). Obama is more easily compared to socialist leaders because his agenda is much more liberal than some of his more moderate liberal friends. Make no mistake Obama is not a moderate liberal, that much is clear, that doesn't make him bad but he IS a very partisan president.

Andrew: Limited government and a free market economy are nowhere near as damaging to a country as real communism, it's not even close. To use real examples, the United States have a very free market economy compared to other countries while the former USSR had a very socialist economy. It's pretty clear who came out of that situation in better shape.

Obama has been and still is a wildly popular president and has both a democratic controlled house and senate behind him, and you don't think he can push socialist reform? What kind of logic is that? If Obama comes straight out and says, "K guys we are going socialist now, control of your lives will now be run by the government." It's not going to work but if he dresses it up as moderate proposals and fair minded well....put it this way, you now have Obama being radically opposed by republicans on everything he proposes, Bush was obviously stopped many times by the democrats in congress but their indignation is nothing compared to the republicans now. The only reason republicans are so upset over all these new bills is because they are such a huge threat to a conservative mindset, why are they such a huge threat? Because they are incredibly partisan policies and very very liberal ideas being pushed that republicans are trying to block. Put it this way, Clinton fought long and hard against the republicans to get healthcare but never made it, now Obama is just steamrolling this bill through and doing everything he can to get it passed. Your vision that Obama doesn't have the power to enact huge changes is clouded, this president has more power than you can imagine at the moment, and he's gonna use it.

Also your rock cookies are not wanted, sorry.

William C said...

You may very well be right, but consider this...

History repeating itself: I bet FDR was also opposed by staunch critics.

Victor Sukhovitsky said...

thanks Anders and William for your comments, as for Drew, i agree with Anders in that a system of pure capitalism is far better than one of OPEN and DECLARED socialism to any degree. If anybody ever wants to have a chance to get somewhere in life, please dont tell me that Obama and his minions will get you there by running your life for you.

Jack Rogers said...
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