Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Links O' the Day

Yea, let us now change the subject.

No one is immoral here! Certainly not Max. Trollish on occasion and in desperate need of a work-study in less than fully privileged community, sure, but he's still a mensch.

Fun stuff I read today:

Stanley Fish sees the dark cloud of curiosity
-- certain to blow Sam's mind. The comments thread on this (which is edited by the NYT) is unbelievably smart. Wow.

Are Universities Doomed? Holy moly, I am about to be replaced by a computer. That stinks. I totally agree that the communal experience of an academically legit residential college is a sort of luxury; after all, there was a reason some of my classmates affectionately referred to Bowdoin as "Camp Bo-Bo." Nonetheless, the credential, for better or worse, matters.

Domestic Violence is a pre-existing condition?? We live in a wicked world. h/t: Steve Benen at The Washington Monthly.

Blogging note: h/t means "hat tip" which means "I found this thing through this other site, so a tip o' the hat to them."

Did Bush really refer to Obama as "this cat?"

Consider this an open thread. If you don't know what an open thread is... you should read more blogs.


LahaRulle said...

I feel that you stated that this is a student blog, and that you will not moderate it or express opinions on it. However, your statement of what Max is and is not is refuting my statement. I feel that it is an opinion statement, and that you, as the teacher, should not be making such statements, as they strongly influence the students who hear or read them.

-Ilan Seid-Green
I do admit that perhaps I was a bit across the line in calling him immoral, but I think that if so, you should call me on crossing the line, but not state that I am incorrect.

The new Kevin (a.k.a Kevin Kwan) said...

Mr.Silton is a moderator. He just doesn't want a volcanic confrontation to erupt because you called him immoral.