Thursday, September 17, 2009


I'm going to be making several posts today, each not as big as the one from yesterday which i wish to see more comments on.
So, first off i would like to praise and give a round of applause to a few select liberal students at Aragon High School who after reading my blog yesterday, did exactly what i expected them to, and i wish to tell you about it, because after all, while i cannot insult anyone on this blog, i can tell you what happened to me today.

Yesterday i wrote a post that seemed to offend many Obama fans and Obamunists at school, and they had things to say to me. Now, i am a conservative, and i am open minded. I can see and find merit to both sides of almost anything, but i am not a hypocrite, there is still always a better choice.
Liberals at Aragon who claim to be open minded, tolerant, and welcoming to opposition seem to be under a misconception.
Today at school i noticed many people starring at me and glaring me down. When i walked over to some of them, they told me that they had read my post, and asked me whether or not it was a joke. I said no, and was called an "insane idiot."
After telling another open liberal that i was not joking last night, i was informed that i was "out of my goddamn mind"
Now I know that this is virtually no representation of the liberal population, but it does make me wonder. How can these specific people call conservatives close minded, unintelligent intolerant, and uptight. My pinion is that they do so for two reasons. First, they are trying to deflect attention away from the fact that it is really them who are close minded, unintelligent, and intolerant of opposing views, and second, that they are trying to convince themselves that they are what they advocate, and that the other side is not, that the other side is wrong. Both of these traits are signs of their weakness to me, and that is why i was not offended when a particular freedom fighter today who read my post said i was a "racist pig", and that is why i am calling them on it.
But what shocked me the most today, was that a particular person at school used their power to play off of the rather large audience's opinions and get them riled up against something while really, truly, i feel as if this act was directed towards me. And this act was a responce to my post and i feel that it was meant to make a joke out of my views. To this person, i can only say this: WHY BOTHER?

Now, to the jist,

For all of you who read my post yesterday, i have a question.
once upon a time the liberals in america used to say "I may disagree with you sir, but ill fight to the death, for your right to say it"
I think those old fashioned liberals were really fighting for everyones ability to excercize their first amendment rights. And the first amendment itself was designed to protect an unpopular opinion.
It seems that i am the only conservative in this class. Do you all still believe in the first amendment, or would you fight to the death until i shut up, or pretend to hold your brainwashed in and guided opinions.


Amos Yan said...

Well even though you have rights under the first amendment for free speech, other people still have theirs. Yes, its quite unfortunate that you would have to deal with possible flamers on the internet (Believe me, I know) but others do have their point of view and can say anything about it.

And by the way, Victor I haven't seen you since middle school. How's it going?

Jack Rogers said...

Victor, no one is trying to shut you up, and I'll speak for myself in saying your blogs are some of the most entertaining so far. But people do wonder when you compare our president to Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Hitler, Castro, and Kim Jong Il, without any specific evidence to backup what you're saying.


Anders said...

Republican reporting in. Rather dismayed to hear people are treating you so badly and I'm getting none of the flak, I've done atleast as much liberal idealism popping as you have! This certainly isn't fair. Although my posts might be too long and difficult read for your closeminded liberal acquaintances. (Big words :D)

Amos: There is a difference between Victor giving his opinions and others telling him he is "racist" and an "insane idiot", that kind of thinking perhaps shouldn't be condoned by the first amendment.

Jack: Yeah because everyone always had such nice things to say about Bush...the comments I've heard over the years range from funny to stupid to malicious. Anyway yeah I would like to see you expand on your ideas Victor as I'm interested in reading perhaps the one other conservative blogger this year.

Jack Rogers said...

So it's okay to attack the president and compare him to people who committed genocide without substantiating your claims because "the other side did it too?"

William C said...

Supporting people because they are conservative *cough* is the same "evil" that liberals are blamed for in supporting Obama because he is whatever he is. Anyway, these posts are entertaining but "How can these specific people call [liberals] close minded, unintelligent intolerant, and uptight. My pinion is that they do so for two reasons. First, they are trying to deflect attention away from the fact that it is really them who are close minded, unintelligent, and intolerant of opposing views, and second, that they are trying to convince themselves that they are what they advocate, and that the other side is not, that the other side is wrong." It fits! LOL, just playing devil's advocate...

Victor Sukhovitsky said...

ha ha William thanks for that,,,

Jack: Specific evidence coming up later tonight!

Amos: to clarify this point, i think that if you have something to say about my posts, SAY IT ON THIS BLOG! that is not directed to you Amos, rather it is directed to the numerous people who did not comment on the blog but rather insulted me, attempted to alienate and degrade me for my views. They did this off the blog because they know that to keep their white hats on, they cant go against their own positions and treat me the way they did, and so, they kept it private, between me and them, so you all dont know about it unless i bring it to this blog.

by the way Amos, im great, everything is going fantastic this year, finally! How are you?

Lily Y said...

That is just crazy. If people cannot respect other people's views then they should not say anything at all. Of course, I'd like to believe that by "liberals" you meant the people who were not respecting your views. Then again, I'm not sure if I should be classified as a liberal or even classified as all. I am entitled to my own opinion and I rather not place into a group where my beleifs are resticted and sterotyped.
On that note, Jack's earlier comment,"attack the president and compare him to people who committed genocide without substantiating your claims", I do not believe that Victor was specifically speaking about the whole thing of commiting genocide. Since I know that you are in my English class, the book we are reading currently emphasizes that one could have a seemingly "good" reason for the BAD actions they take part in. In this case after reading the post, I believe that was what Victor was implying. But of course, who cares about intentions?
Back to Amos' comment... Yes, people have free speech but there is a limit to this "free" speech. They have no right to criticize other people's opinion. They can bring up their arguments here if they have any problems.

The new Kevin (a.k.a Kevin Kwan) said...

This is a classic example of how push comes to shove.

Victor, you escalated the tension about Obama's policies by comparing him with a nazi. Other people find that comparison as insulting (or perhaps even worse)as saying "you're an idiot".

When you took this issue to an extreme level, so too did the other side. Both sides have no right to complain about the narrow mindedness of the other because both have thrown mud in each other's face(s).

The new Kevin (a.k.a Kevin Kwan) said...


"Back to Amos' comment... Yes, people have free speech but there is a limit to this "free" speech. They have no right to criticize other people's opinion. They can bring up their arguments here if they have any problems."

It's funny you are saying this in the same post you criticized Jack's earlier comment.

Lily Y said...

I'm sorry if I came off as criticizing Jack's earlier comment. It makes complete sense to me. I was just bringing up a possibility of what Victor was intending and laying it out there. Of course, I might have been wrong. I'm not discarding that notion.

The new Kevin (a.k.a Kevin Kwan) said...

"I was just bringing up a possibility of what Victor was intending and laying it out there."

This is just what I meant. By bringing up a possibility, you are correcting Jack. And by correcting him, you are criticizing him.

There's no need to be sorry. Criticizing other people's opinions happens all the time, especially in politics. Expressing one's view that is critical to that of another is well within the realm of free speech.

Victor Sukhovitsky said...

fine, go ahead and criticize. but dont go around preaching that you accept views of others and dont insult those people directly, for their view, if you are willing to, off the record, call me a f word stupid intolerant and racist russian pig.

this refers to a particular person at aragon high, who today said just that, but using the actual explicative, and later told his friends in my presence that he wouldnt ever insult someone for their views, rather he would disagree with them and debate.

Lily Y said...

"By bringing up a possibility, you are correcting Jack. And by correcting him, you are criticizing him."

I was not correcting him. I posted that "it makes complete sense to me". In fact, I completely agree with his statement. It definitely disturbed me that Victor would compare our president with people who have committed genocide.

Rather not drag this out...thanks. "Criticize: to find fault with" =)

William C said...

Why is this blog so awkward? Anyway, I think that if people intend to get debate through the comments system then they're in for a rude awakening. It's the "roof over my side" or "your brain on politics" aspect of "Unspun". But anyway, I find the title of this particular blog very fitting, but then anyone with ideals is a hypocrite. ?

The new Kevin (a.k.a Kevin Kwan) said...

"I was just bringing up a possibility of what Victor was intending and laying it out there."

You are finding fault with Jack's reasoning when you are laying out that possibility, therefore you are criticizing him.

It is possible for one to completely agree with another person and, yet, criticize that person.

By completely agreeing with Jack, you are saying that what he is thinking is fine. However, by suggesting a possibility that Jack could be wrong about Victor's intentions, you are suggesting something better than what he is currently think about, therefore you are finding POTENTIAL fault with his reasoning. If you are finding fault, even potential, then you are criticizing him.

If you don't want to drag this out, then don't respond. I don't like the feeling of readers thinking the other side is right, and that I'm stupid.

nootropic said...

You might want to check the definition of "brainwash".