Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Russian child returned by adopted parents

Apparently a family that adopted a young Russian child put the little 8 year old on a flight by himself and then hired a driver to drive him to the Russian Ministry of Education to return the child. As if this isn't nutty enough they gave him a note saying that he is mentally disturbed and a danger to everyone around him despite people around him saying he is completely normal.

The article went on to talk about foreign adoptions and whether they truly are a good idea and then gave some numbers about the huge amount of Russian orphans a large amount because their parents were deemed unfit by the Russian government. I'm all in favor of foreign adoption and have no problem with that but I'm just really confused about how deranged these former parents are. Seems like there should be some kind of investigation or something. Not government related but I thought this deserved some attention.



Andrew said...
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Serena said...

This is really a weird way to return an adopted child. Much less claim that the child is "mentally disturbed and is a danger to everyone around him." I feel like there is more to this than what meets the eye. This case deserves some investigation. I too, am in favor of foreign adoption. There's no problem with it.

devin_yan said...

Yea this is a really weird way to return an adopted child, it doesnt look good ebcause they returned the chidl because of the mental problems. I am also infavor of adoption.