Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Leave it to the Britons

I am quite offended that someone would have the audacity to exercise both his freedom of speech and of religion at the same time!


Garret Conour said...

You know what? Good for them. As an atheist myself I sometimes grow weary of religion's pervasiveness in society, so it's nice to see that I'm not the only one.

Although hopefully not all of that $200,000 was spent on advertisements... That would certainly play into the stereotype of atheists as compassionless. Maybe some for charity Atheist Bus Campaign?

David said...

I can't say that I am a fan of these kinds of advertisements. It always irritates me when people try to tell other people what to believe. But hey, I also dislike the idea that atheists are right, and us religious folks are wierdos, personally I would never put an ad up trying to get people to see my views. This story makes me think of that old phrase "two wrongs don't make a right"