Monday, January 12, 2009

comic betcha!

Okay this is a less serious post. The Golden Globes were broadcasted last night and in one of the interviews with the many celebrities happened to be the famous and amazing TINA FEY! She was asked if she ever felt bad for making fun of Sarah Palin and she humorously
answered something along the lines of... " No I Don't feel bad at all " " I thought it was very fun and exciting " " It was a great opportunity"

oh Tina...

btw. her show 30 Rock won 3 awards..I think..hahah.


David said...

30 Rock is a great show, and I recommend it to everyone on the earth.

bryan moore said...

Tina Fey was great as Palin but i suppose that we are lucky that we wont be seeing any Palin sketches since she's not the VP, and yes thirty rock is funny, especially tracy morgan.