Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama's First Day;_ylt=AhM3yWQEP6rlbQj44gKsy28Gw_IE

In his inauguration speech, President Obama promised he would get to work quickly, and that's just what he did. Last night, Obama danced with Michelle Obama past midnight. Still, he was ready to work early this morning. Obama and his wife began their day at a prayer service that is traditional for the first business day of a new administration. Upon entering the Oval Office, he found a good luck note left there by George W. Bush, as has been the tradition. Then, he quickly began his efforts to revive the economy, starting with breaking with many of Bush's policies. Here are some of the few issues that were on Obama's agenda today:

Obama's schedule for the day included separate sessions on the economy and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

- He summoned top military officials to the White House to chart a new course in Iraq and began to engage in Middle East diplomacy.

- He issued new ethics rules for his administration and hosted a reception at the presidential mansion for 200 inauguration volunteers and guests selected by an Internet lottery

- Aides circulated a draft of an executive order that would close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, within a year and halt all war crimes trials in the meantime. Obama will supposedly be signing this on Thursday.

- The Senate confirmed Hilary Rodham Clinton as secretary of state after a one-day delay forced by Republicans (94-2)
So far, seven Cabinet members have been confirmed as well as the top two officials at the Office of Management and Budget

- Lobbyists will be subject to stricter limits than under any administration in history.. the restrictions include a ban on gifts by lobbyists to anyone serving in the administration

- He also imposed a pay freeze for about 100 White House aides who earn $100,000 or more

Obama has a lot on his shoulders and he knows that the task ahead is not an easy one. For a president, busy days like this one are simply the norm. As we learned in class, the best time to propose new ideas and bills is at the beginning of the term, during his honeymoon period, when his relationship with Congress, the public, and the media is good. Obama is already working hard, but when will his honeymoon period wear off?


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a busy day. The next 100 days should be interesting to see what he does as the new president. It would be interesting to see which one of his plans he decides to push through Congress first and how he takes advantage with his honeymoon period.

Nick Franquez said...

I think his honeymoon period should not die off for a long time considering the help our country needs right now. Hopefully he uses the advantage he has right now to really impact our country with his policies. I think that the American people really need to take to heart what he said in his speech, so that we can make a positive impact on the country like he is trying to do everyday.

Chris Chan said...

The Honey moon period is going to last longer with Obama I think. The fact that he is the first racially diverse President will either give the people more lieutenancy or make them more critical.

In my opinion Obama has won enough support not to be turned on that easily. Plus he took over after President George W Bush. The change will have a good effect on Obama.