Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Was that inaprobriate?

Rush limbaugh stated that he hoped that obama would fail. his exact quote was actually "I hope he fails." Everyone in the media says that this was an extreamily inopropriate comment, which it may be espesially in light of this memorabal event. I personaly think that this was more of a partison comment rather than a racially aimed comment. Limbaugh stated that he does not see anything wrong with this statement, he just doesnt want for the liberals to succeed, ecause he thinks that they are the problem with America.


bryan moore said...

Though I am definitely not a fan of Limbaugh I do not think that his comment was inappropriate. It basically ties back to what we have been discussing in class for the past few days, freedom of speech. Was is immature for someone in the media to say something like that? yes, but still it is his right to do that. It can be seen as something almost similar to the protesters who protested and threw eggs at bush's limo during the inauguration parade in 2000. Though it will be seen by the other side as an immature and unnecessary gesture it is within an individuals rights.

Anonymous said...

I do not think Limbaugh meant anything inappropriate or racist about his comment. He was just stating how he felt at the time and he has the right to do that by the 1st amendment.

Norman Eng said...

Well you can't really say he was whether stating some personal opinions of his were exactly bad. Becuase it contradicts the fact that many people don't like Obama as well, it is a personal opinion overall. Especially with Amendment 1, freedom of speech.

Nelson Cheung said...

Reading the transcript, I didn't find anything to be particularly offensive. While he was rattled about politics, I would interpret his anger as being towards liberalism, not at Obama. I wouldn't count this as an inappropriate comment. Just as the media have the freedom to say just about anything they want about Bush Jr., I'm sure Mr. Limbaugh have the same rights to criticize anything or anyone he wishes. However, something did catch my eye, namely the last sentence of the transcript. "The Democrats own the country. There's nothing anybody can do to stop it. We should just lay down and accept it." *sigh* Say it ain't so, Joe. Say it ain't so.

JN said...

I think that the media said that Limbaugh's statement was extremely inappropriate because he said this during a time when people should be more optimistic since there is a new president.