Monday, October 3, 2011

The Protest againist Wall Street

For the past three weeks, a group called Occupy Wall Street has been protesting in New York City. They are protesting againist corruption and greed that has plauged Wall Street and is what many believe caused the recession. The group has said that they represent 99% of the population of the United States againist the richest 1% of the population. To add onto what Lexi said about the protest, the protesters marched in Saturday, October 1, halfway across the Brooklyn Bridge before the police arrested 700 people. The protesters are accusing the police of allowing the protester to enter the bridge before trapping them and arresting them. As of this morning, there are simular protests starting in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Boston. Will this lead to the kind of change that was seen during the Arab Spring or is it just a bunch of people craving the media attention? I think that it is a bit of both. They desire legitimate changes, like stopping corruption on Wall Street. I think there should be better way to get this desire accomplished but with the government not functioning effectively because of the partionship, there really is no other choice.

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