Sunday, October 2, 2011

"8 Ridiculous Iraq Projects the U.S. Government Spent Your Money on"

These "8 ridiculous projects" were brought to the attention of the people by Van Burren's new book, "We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People". These projects were designed to help and restore Iraq's economy and to provide opportunities for the Iraqi youth or an alternative to do besides attacking U.S. Troops.
These ridiculous projects include: putting on a production, Under the Donkey's Shade, French pastry classes, a mural of an oiled up muscular man for a local gym, a children's art calendar, and a Baghdad yellow pages.

Here is a link to a video on youtube of a RT America interview of Van Burren

1 comment:

Kore Chan said...

I do not understand why, for example, a Baghdad yellow pages would be considered a ridiculous project. Considering that many Middle Easterns now feel that the U.S. is no longer doing any good for them / their country, a yellow pages for Baghdad (assuming that they do not already have one) would show Middle Easterns that the U.S. might actually be attempting to help not hurt them with their presence.