Thursday, February 15, 2018

Trump Kills Compromise on Immigration

As many of you know, DACA is supposed to expire soon. The Trump administration was supposed to be working on a compromise bill with the Democrats in congress in order to pass legislation to protect DACA dreamers. The bill would also strengthen immigration restrictions on chain immigration and border security. However, this has not been working out to be the case, Trump is now making efforts to ensure that the bill does not pass because he feels it's compromise does not benefit his side enough. He has also threatened to veto the bill, in addition to convincing congress members to vote against the bill. The bill was shot down in the senate after it fell 21 votes short of the needed 60. What is more interesting, is that Trump has said in the recent past that he would be willing to work with democrats. In addition he has also sympathized with dreamers and immigrants. These previous positions are a hard contrast to the current stance Trump is now taking against the dreamers.


1. why do you think Trump has repeatedly changed his stance on key issues both in his campaign and presidency, so quickly rather than sticking firmly to one side? 

2. Do you think that a compromise bill will eventually be reached between Republicans and Democrats in Congress?

3. Do you think that DACA dreamers will be able to survive here if a compromise is not reached in congress and their protection is not renewed?


Anonymous said...

Personally, I believe that DACA dreamers that are already in the U.S. should be allowed to stay. President Trump is correct that chain immigration is a problem, as immigrants can take many numbers of people with them across the border that the U.S. may not be able to financially support. President Trump's recent efforts against the compromise bill may be due to his taking a harsher stance on the issue, as his presidency has always emphasized Americans over immigrants. He has been sticking firmly to the Americans first policy, although many people disagree with his actions. I believe a compromise bill can eventually be reached between Democrats and Republicans even though Congress is extremely polarized, but only because political officials are willing to make concessions and quid pro quos to achieve their current goals.

Anonymous said...

Trump will do what he thinks is right and not really listen to anything/anyone else; he never sticks to one side of an issue, preferring to jump ship when it pleases him. This is who he is as a person: fickle. I doubt the compromise bill will be reached, if it's been killed now then there's not much hope for its future. Lastly, I'm not sure how long the DACA survivors will be able to last, but if protection is not renewed then I'm guessing not long.

Anonymous said...

To me, it seems like Trump makes empty promises just to get a bump in popularity and counterbalance his extremely conservative views. He really has no interest in following through on compromise, just like how he is unwilling to compromise on budget issues. I want to be optimistic, but I doubt that the Dreamers will survive without protections in place, which, unfortunately, is exactly what Trump wants.

Anonymous said...

I believe that trump seems to be making more changes to what he is saying by following not only what he said he is doing. He would need to take into account what the people are wanting to have in order to keep his approval rates higher than what they are now. Just like Obama has as well, I believe most presidents change what they believed in before in favor of the views of the people. I believe that since the 4 different plans went to the senate and all 4 were shot down. I think that it would be up to the president to step in to help fix the issue which i do not think would happen any time soon. I feel like it would have to take a miracle to have the dreamers keep their program. As it seems now, it does not look good.

Unknown said...

I think it's pretty obvious that Trump craves praise and positive attention, and often changes his opinions about topics based on what others say. Thus, I don't understand why the Democratic party has not taken a strategy of psychologically manipulating him.

Hillary Clinton was able to get into his head during the debates, and to me, it looked like it worked. I think that they should continue to get into his head, creating a structure where he seeks out praise from Democratic leaders. Thus, they can influence him by selectively praising him when he does something good.

Like I said, Trump does not have much of an ideology. He's just concerned about feeling good and attacking others. So let's make him feel good about helping immigrants by talking about how kind and beneficent it would be for him to do so, and redirect his attacks to, I don't know, a blow-up doll of Hillary Clinton.

Caroline Huang said...

I honestly never believed that Trump would keep to his word for compromise. He's broken a ton of his promises that he made in favor of the Democrats (he promised he would protect transgender rights too but look how that turned out), and the DACA compromise he made in his State of the Union speech was probably a desperate bid for a higher rating (probably from a 0.6/5 stars to a 0.62/5 stars). His actions right now are totally in character; he's always opposed looser immigration and has been notoriously stubborn about his policies. However, the polarization in Congress, not just the president, will probably ensure that no bill will get passed anyway. All the politicians need to go back to kindergarten and relearn "sharing" because they clearly don't know how to compromise anymore. I think that the Dreamers will have a difficult time keeping their lives stable if their rights aren't renewed because they'd constantly be on the run as their residence in America would be illegal.

Anonymous said...

I was unsure of Trumps promises to keep his word, due to past changes in his views. Trump could have used this as a tactic in order to gain praise for attempting to come to a bipartisan agreement. Any new edits to a DACA agreement would also face a challenge to pass within Congress. In the end I believe that Trumps wise manipulation of press and mixed messages are strategies to keep him in the eye of the public.

Anonymous said...

I think Trump says things purely for rating and appears quite selfish because he promised compromises of which he never contributed to. Trump is changing the way he is addressing the media so that he can get the people on his side. I don't think that a compromise bill will eventually be reached between Republicans and Democrats in Congress because Trump keeps changing his views so a bipartisan agreement isn't likely. Congress must consider everything, but changes to DACA will be very difficult.

Anonymous said...

While watching the State of the Union in January I was eager to see how soon he would turn on his word for bipartisan efforts on issues, especially immigration. The fact that there was a bipartisan bill passed that was vetoed by Trump just proves how his words are politically motivated rather than to create actual unity in the country. This divisive behavior exactly why the country has already had two government shutdowns in 2018 and why legislation is being created at all times low. The frankly immature behavior of the president to make false promises and then call others out for doing similar actions is why he is so polarizing. Further compromise on this specific subject matter will probably not occur until the next Congress where hopefully there will be more efficiency in carrying out not only a bill, but a somewhat bipartisan one. The apathy that people have towards others is a constant problem with our generation and the effects are reverberated among many of out current issues. Dreamers lives are not just numbers on a paper and should not be treated as such.

Anonymous said...

Trump has always been indecisive, but when he actually makes a decision, it’s for his own benefit. He clearly practices one-way thinking since his stances on key issues in his campaign and presidency have always been shaky and beneficial for only one side. Furthermore, I believe that a compromise bill can be achieved, although not anytime soon. The relationship between Republicans and Democrats isn’t great. Trump saying that he is willing to work alongside Democrats is different from actually attempting to work with them. Actions definitely speak louder than words here. Dreamers most likely be able to survive here because of the strong connection between different groups of people and the unity between them.

Karena Zhang said...

I, like many others, agree that this is an example of Trump's inability to stick to his words. He goes out and says what the public wants to here, and then returns to do whatever he want. While he expressed desire to work together with Democrats in the State of the Union speech it is clear he does not intend to follow through. At this rate, his conflicting words and actions will not allow anything to get done, especially if he has sufficient followers in Congress that will continue to push back against Democrats, even if the Democrats agree to cooperate.