Sunday, February 11, 2018

NASA Budgets for a Trip to the Moon, but Not While Trump Is President

Trump claims that space exploration is important, and that sending people to the moon again is a priority. However, NASA's lack of additional funding will make this impossible, at least until he is out of office.

The administration's lack of action has led way for the private sector to take over the future of space exploration. Government funding for the international space station is ending in 2025. Though the NASA budget may increase next year, in the long term the budget will remain stagnant. With no current administrative leader, and a shrinking budget, programs such as climate research will suffer. The extremely wealthy, including Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, are taking matters into their own hands and investing in the future of space technology and knowledge.

1. Do you think it is the job of the government or the private sector to continue space exploration?
2. How do you think the American government should balance the budget in terms of long scale projects like these?
3. What do you think should be NASA's focus going forward?

NY Times


Anonymous said...

I think that the government has a certain responsibility in space exploration because it is their responsibility to do such things to benefit the nation. They should for sure balance the budget so that we can at least do this later if not immediately. However, the government has more important matters to attend to that directly affect our public at this time, so the private sector (which seems to be interested) jumping in is actually very helpful. With respect to NASA, I think that they should also put focus on space exploration in general (such as having more initiatives on other planets/areas of space) rather than just putting people on the moon.

Anonymous said...

What is most frustrating about this situation for me is that Trump claims that he cares about space travel and technology, and yet he continues to cut spending to programs such as NASA. I think this is highly hypocritical, and if Trump is going to claim that something is important, he should also be willing to support and fund it. This might mean that he would need to adjust his budget or tax plan, but if lowering taxes or his budget are more important to him, he should just say that. It's okay to not support a program, but if you say you think it is important, you should put your resources into making it happen.

Anonymous said...

I do think that the government has a responsibility to pursue space exploration, but I don't think it should be a priority, as there are other domestic issues that I think are more pressing. However, it seems that NASA is facing simultaneous attention and neglect, with Trump's plans to reach the moon, yet a lack of funding or a lead administrator. Therefore, as Lydia mentioned, I think Trump just needs to clarify and solidify his plan regarding space travel so that a trip to the moon is financially feasible.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe the government is able to reliably facilitate large projects such as space travel efficiently and effectively. Processes are always too slow and out of date. There is no point in revitalizing the NASA program when spaceX is far ahead in technology and solutions. Given the spaceX success a couple of weeks back, it seems clear the private sector is able to finish things with more speed and determination than any governmental project, so the private sector should be relied on for most space travel.

Anonymous said...

I think has a responsibility to pursue space exploration but I don't think it's a priority. Private sectors should also continue to pursue that as well. I think they should balance the budget so that we can visit the moon if not soon then sometime in the future. I believe NASA's focus going forward is to continue research and planning for future trips and exploration.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Emma that space exploration should be the government's responsibility,however it shouldn't be the government's priority. I understand that there are other pressing problems in the government today, however NASA is being pretty much neglected. Trump says that space exploration is "important", however continues to cut funding, and take zero action to further invest in the future of space exploration. Trump needs to take responsibility and lead and develop a solid plan that we can continue to pursue. He needs to take out a certain amount of money for space exploration in the budget so that we can plan a future trip to the moon.