Thursday, February 8, 2018

Judge: Las Vegas Police Must Release Mass Shooting Records

Nevada state court Judge Richard Scotti has ordered police to make all 911 calls, body camera video, and other records relating to last year's mass shooting public, with identifiable information (names, SSNs) redacted. Many media outlets have requested to obtain police records, but the police department did not respond to some requests; for others, it claimed that it could not release the information because of its ongoing investigation, expected to finish by the end of the year. Federal judges have also ordered the release of other records, including search warrant records and autopsy reports.

Although the judges are ordering information to be made public, I feel that the casinos in Las Vegas will be actively looking to cover this up as much as possible. Having certain records released could negatively impact business--on top of what the shooting itself brought. I wouldn't be surprised if the police department kept as much information private as possible, with anything suspicious "redacted."

Do you feel that casinos should have a major influence on the police department's actions? How much discretion should the police department have when it comes to what information to release, and should this change based on the severity of an incident?

NY Times
Fox News


Anonymous said...

I think that the police departments should release the information to federal judges because it can potentially help reform the gun laws and make harsher gun laws to prevent further mass shootings. The safety of citizens should take more precedence over the business of casinos and the investigation.

Anonymous said...

I also believe that the police departments should release the information to federal judges because if so little information is known about the case, then there is not much that the judges can do to try to prevent other tragedies like the Las Vegas mass shooting from occurring again. Like Gabby stated, if releasing the information to judges can help reform gun laws and help ensure public safety, then it should be done. A casino's fear of losing money should not be prioritized when dealing with citizen safety.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the Casino's should have any influence over the police department at all, it doesn't matter how it impacts their flow of business. I agree with Gabby an Naomi that the information should be released to the judges, as it might impact our gun laws and the safety of our citizens, but I do not feel comfortable with the police having total control on case discretion.

Anonymous said...

I also don't believe that casinos should have any influence on the police department's actions, as they are simply a business; however, regarding the federal judges, the police should release the information in order to help serve proper justice for whatever happened. In the end, business should never take priority over the safety of citizens.