Monday, May 17, 2010

Civil rights group file challenge to Arizona immigration law

A lawsuit was filed for the Arizona Immigration Laws. It concerned civil rights and how this possibly is violating their rights. The Immigration laws can lead to racial profiling because an officer can ask for legal residence of the U.S. and it was based on suspicion, however; they amended the law to if one has been arrested then they could check. Critics believe that it will lead to racial profiling.

I believe that the Arizona Immigration Laws are violating many peoples civil rights. Also, i think that the critics are right that it will lead to racial profiling because cops are just like that. Also, another problem that could possibly happen is that they accuse the wrong people of being immigrants and it can lead to a big issue.

Malik Shehade


sebastian said...

In many ways, the new Arizona Immigration laws seem to violate the basic human rights of the minorities(lations) in Arizona. In fact,it directly violates the peoples rights of protection from search and seizure, found under the constitution itself. This directly corrolates to the police being able to stop, and ask anyone who seems to be an illegal citizen, which is basically what this new aw is all about.

The civil rights group really should challenge this new Arizona immigration law, and I hope the government changes, if not removes it entirely as any state regulated law.

Jodi Miller said...

I agree. I believe many people view this as a way for authorities in Arizona to get around the search and seizure clause, as well as the implied right to privacy found in the Constitution.

I am still confused as to how something like this is being upheld as constitutional when it seems to violate the Constitution.

Britney Tsao said...

I agree that it is "a big issue". I think it's a colossal issue that really is not okay. I remember last year Mr. McGlashan was talking about how humans are idiots and tend to forget lessons they learned in the past and repeat their mistakes. I kind of think this is the same case. I think that with all the negative criticism the law is getting, it's bound to be declared unconstitutional at one point or another.

ellery wong said...

If they are only allowed to check for residence if they have been in suspicion for something else (speeding, not stopping, etc...), then i believe that many cops might abuse their power and stop people with false intent. They might stop someone who did stop completely at a stop sign just because they "look" like and illegal immigrant.

Mei Mei Or said...

I agree with Britney, this is a big issue. Humans have failed to learn from their past mistakes. Also since the law is receiving a ton of negative criticism I think that it will eventually have to be amended.

devin_yan said...

Even though i do not know much about the immigriation law, I have herad many negative things about it. This makes me feel negatively towards it.

Victor H. said...

The immigration law is a violation of privacy since it enables law enforcement to ask a person for personal information with no reason other than the fact that they look "different".

This law has led to great controversy and I suspect it may even make it's way to the supreme court if the state does not take action to repeal or amend this law.

~Victor Hung

Alexandra Kor said...

I agree with Sebastian. I feel like this law was indirectly passed to discriminate against Latinos because as of 2009, Arizona was composed of 30.1% Latinos and it is only 15.4% in the entire country. This immigration law is going to encourage more racial profiling, just like 9/11. It's only going to cause more problems for the country and people are going to feel even more violated.

Joshua Lu said...

Just as Ellery stated, I also believe that cops will simply abuse their powers and stop/pull people over with a false excuse. I think that cops will try to hide their racial profiling through nonsense excuses.

I remember my friend was pulled over one time in Foster City apparently for a "broken tail light." My friend did not have his license on him, but the cop let him go. However, 5 minutes later, we realized that both tail lights were working on his car. I think that the cop was just finding an excuse to pull him over.

With the Arizona immigration law, I believe that these kinds of things will happen much more often.

-Joshua Lu

Melissa said...

The same speech from McGeezy came to mind that Britney mentioned earlier. I think it's disgraceful how its human nature to continue making the same mistakes over and over again. However, this bill received a magnitude of negative attention very quickly that is sure to influence the government. I still am baffled as to how something that seems so blatantly unconstitutional could pass in this day and age.

Katrina said...

i think that this is a very unjust and unreasonable law being passed. these laws really discriminate

Katrina said...

against people. they don't deserve to be pulled over just because of their appearance. not only is it racist but it can be sexist or just discrimination in general. i agree with maimei that this law will probably be amended contrary to the peoples' reaction and feelings about this law.