Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hollywood "boo-boo"

While CNN Entertainment Senior Producer David Daniel was walking to work today he noticed two workers cleaning off the newest star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, which was unveiled today at 11:30 am. It was for Julia Louis-Dreyfus, the star of "The New Adventures of Old Christine" and more commonly known for staring in Seinfeld. What he noticed as he passed by was that the workers had spelled Julia Luis Dreyfus instead of Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Daniel quickly told the two workers of their mistake, who were then confused what to do. In the end Julia was notified and thought it was hysterical.... and wanted them to leave it as it was. Unfortunately the workers carved out the Luis and replaced it with a filler Louis-for the ceremony and gave the carved out "Luis" to Louis-Dreyfus as a memento.

When I read this article I really didn't know what to think. Should I sympathize the workers for their careless mistake? or should I shake my head at the stupidity of it? Either way, the situation happened and was resolved quickly unlike my previous post about the April 20 oil rig explosion and subsequent spill...

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