Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"Nancy Pelosi Tells Illegal Immigrants That Work Site Raids are Un-American"

Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi was invited and arrived on Saturday night to a church by Rep. Luis Gutierrez, to give a simple speech to the immigrants of this country. During her speech, Nancy Pelosi stated that the legal and illegal immigrants were "Very very Patriotic" to show up to take "Responsibility". She mentioned that it was also "un-American" considering the fact that the immigrants want to relocate themselves in America and yet they invoke raids.

Former Republican presidential candidate, Tom Tancredo gives his personal point of view and opinion of Nancy Pelosi's statement. I think Tom was quite amusing and hilarious, he was clear and lucid as he points out Pelosi's silly jargon. He even questions her statement regarding the patriotism comment.

The video is about the interview with Tom Tancredo, if interested please read the following article from Fox News:

And of course: What do you think about it? Does what Pelosi say make any sense? Is it strengthening the encouragement of immigration prevention? Would you support her?

I thought this was pretty intriguing.

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