Monday, January 12, 2015

A nation in debt, an American trait or universal?

The year 2015 is still anew for it has only been recently its new years celebration. This doesn't seem to affect Prime Minister David Cameron. Cameron has already devised a purpose for the year. He wants the voters to end the line of debt throughout the ages.

David Cameron did not give a speech about the importance of following a good party or a persuasion for reforms. Cameron instead reminded the voters that the decisions are in their hands because they have the power to vote. He lights the flames of democracy in this manner by creating an illusion of direct democracy. His words although are not absolute in public acknowledgement, he employs tactics of shame into the populace by making them the navigators of the economic train. He says to stay on the road towards recovery or take the path to ruin but really he means if the economic situation worsens it's on the people.

The United States is quite the same. The use of these tactics do not bring consequences one-hundred percent of the time. It has even been used to carve out the United States structure and to refine the government's mechanisms. Franklin Delano Roosevelt's presidency stands as a notable example as he attained three terms while increasing the scope of government along with its power. Currently the economy is doing great but not the people in it. This is do to the delay between recovery and effect. There are risky plans to accelerate it but can those plans end up being the paths towards ruin.


How can the people of the United States end the tradition of debt?

What do you think about the economic situation?

What impact does public awareness have on governmental acquisition?

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