Sunday, February 26, 2012

Santorum Blames Media

Santorum criticizes the media for criticizing him on his comments about Obama. One comment in particular compared the current state of America to Europe's condition in World War II, which the media portrayed as Santorum comparing Obama to Hitler. Santorum, of course, denies any Hitler comparison and states that his comment was merely a World War II metaphor that he's used "100 times."

He also says that stating that Obama was "imposing his values" on Americans was in no way questioning Obama's Christian values. Santorum is against the Obama administration's policy of requiring all institutions that provide health insurance, including Catholic churches and hospitals, to provide birth control and emergency contraception. He argues that the “President has reached a new low in this country’s history of oppressing religious freedom that we have never seen before" and points out that Obama has a very different theology.

How do you feel about Santorum's stance against the Obama administration's birth control/contraceptive policy? Do you think this oppresses religious freedom?

And do you think the media went too far with its Hitler-Obama comparison?


Serena Tam said...

I think that Santorum is a huge hypocrite in saying that Obama is oppressing religious freedom. Santorum said hearing JFK's speech on separation of church and state made him want to throw up. With his mindset/policies, Christianity would oppress pretty much all other religions in America.

Katherine La Serna said...

Santorum has this “the media is trying to get me” mentality. He keeps saying he is prepared to become president but he can’t even deal with the media’s criticism. Santorum needs to stop complaining about the press mostly focusing on his religious issues and not much around his economic plan. Mostly, he is the one that focuses more around social issues. Santorum just needs to deal with the media covering him in an unflattering way. After all, outrageous statements get the most media coverage and his JFK speech comment raised eyebrows.

In addition, Santorum seems to have nothing new to say about his economic plan which just makes his speeches sound repetitive and uninteresting. Santorum is not the only one that get critiqued, his other republican rivals also get the heat from the press especially Romney. Politicians complain mostly about how the media criticizes what they say or they complain how the media does not cover their words. Either way they will always complain about the way the media covers them.

Jamie Moore said...

I agree with Katherine. Clearly he needs to become accustomed to dealing with the media and learning to cope with criticism rather than complain about it. I mean, thats what they are there for, right?

As for the contraception issue, I saw and interview the other day where somebody mentioned that contraception is not even a controvercial topic in the country. Abortion is, of course, controvercial, but Santorum keeps bringing forward these somewhat irrelevant social side issues that are not highly problematic to begin with. I think that he needs to buck up and deal with what he gets. He needs to be accountable for his speeches and actions, especially if he expects to be the next president.