Saturday, February 25, 2012

Israel could attack Iran

Over past few months there has been big fear over Iran's nuclear facilities in Tehran. This time Israel could be stepping in as  they have verbally threatened Iran saying they will attack Iran's nuclear facilities. With tension rising Iran has spread its nuclear facilities across the country  and has built its nuclear  program further underground so it can be protected from airstrikes making it seem a little sketchy  as they said their "program is strictly for peaceful purposes such as producing energy". But if its a peaceful purpose then why would they be hiding their programs and moving it further underground?
   It has been said that Israel will make some kind of attempt by this summer to stop the nuclear program because if they dont act soon then Israelis bombs wont be able be able to hit the nuclear facilities because they will be too far underground to hit with any airstrikes.
    In the past Israel has shown to use its Air Force on other nuclear programs if they feel its justified. In 1981 Israeli Air force destroyed Iraqi nuclear reactor and in 2007 Israeli Air force also destroyed an unfinished nuclear reactor in Syria.
     Iran warned everyone saying that if there are any attacks on its nuclear programs that they will fight back as they threatened Israel saying it will "pound them with missiles". They also said that they would launch missiles at jewish states and targets in the gulf that could cause global oils prices to rise

      So do you think Israel should take action against Iran or do you think they should let Iran run their Nuclear program? Do you think this is a peaceful purpose?

1 comment:

Ivan Wang said...

Given their previous actions in Iraq and Syria, it seems possible that Israel might try to attack. However, I believe Iran's threat of counterattack by launching missiles must be taken seriously. Another war could have drastic consequences, considering the effect on global oil prices; and if Iran is telling the truth about its nuclear program, it would be yet another mistake to strike. That said, their threats of missile defense seem over the top, if, as they say, their nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes. While I understand their position against Israel and much of the Western world, I wish they would seek a more diplomatic approach that could help end the sanctions as opposed to violent threats of attack.