Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Little Jingle

I think that Obama certainly has a slight advantage over McCain in his widespread support from locals and grassroot politics. I found this video on youtube of a large group of children from a city in California got together and recorded an original song in support of Obama. Though these children probably only vaguely understand what they're singing about, the image of a group of small children singing for "change" is pretty heartwarming. And though it probably does not change the views of those who have already made up their minds, the involvement of communities and families sends across an image of hope and unity.


laura said...

I think it is obvious at this point that Obama appeals to the youth and this image only reinforces how powerful that appeal can be. How many Americans are mothers and fathers who want the best for their children, who want change. Such an image and a song only reinforces how vital the youth vote is. If Obama wins this election, he will have done so through utilizing grass roots politics and by appealing to the people. The people want change, they need hope, and they will elect a president who can guaratnee that their voices will be heard. McCain is not more of the same, in fact he would indeed guarantee change in the whitehouse as well, but he isnt projecting himself that way out of fear that he would alienate his own party. Whether Obama or McCain is elected, one thing is certain, the U.S. is not functioning properly and we need a change.

Moeka Takagi said...

I believe the song is well written to emphasize Obama's main message for change and hope for the future. Also, the fact that a bunch of kids are singing it portrays Obama as the better candidate for the future generations...I can imagine myself as a kid if I had learned this song; I wouldn't understand anything about the politics behind it and yes, I would have probably been openly supporting Obama just because that's what everyone else was doing.

Thus, I definitely don't think that these kids will continue to be Democrats/liberals the rest of their lives. Some or many may, but not just because they sang this song! Youth can conform easily during their youth, but not all of these people will continue to conform to the same extent after growing up.

Sarah Ng said...

I can see how this would be creepy...especially the beginning and end with that one girl. And I do see how these little children singing about phrases like change and hope do seem a little bot-ish. Unfortunately, I think sterling may be right about the children becoming liberals when they grow up. But I would like to think that though youth is easily manipulated and swayed, this molding is permenant. As children, we are excused for following the lead of our parents and supervisors. After all, that is the job of our caretakers and teachers- they are supposed to teach us about what they think is "right." I would certainly hope that as they age out of their botlike mob-mentality state of mind, these children are able to form their own political beliefs.

Kevin Lee said...

"We're sorry, this video is no longer available" :(

Nelson Cheung said...

Aside from the fact that the poster have removed the video from Youtube, I had the chance to watch a bit of it after school. My initial reaction to the video was a sense of "creepiness." It reminds me of those North Korean propaganda videos about Dear Leader, better known as Kim Jong-il. For example, here is a portion of the lyrics :

"We’re gonna spread happiness
We’re gonna spread freedom
Obama’s gonna change it
Obama’s gonna lead ‘em"

These lines eerily mirrors the message of youth organization like the Hitler Youth or the Young Pioneers. *shudder* However, this doesn't mean that I completely dislike the video because I thought it took a certain amount of talent and will to do what these kids have done. I just felt that the message that they were trying to promote was not done in a way that was appropriate.

On a different note, I thought the song "Yes, We Can" by will.i.am and other celebrities was a really good video. Check it out! It's kind of addictive like the Chili's baby back rib song.

Jeff Yeh said...

As adorable as these children are and as well written as the song actually is... i also find it unsettling. Like Sterling, it did really creep me out as i was watching it yesterday but I couldn't put a finger on why. At first i thought it was because the kids likely had no idea what they were singing about or at least had no idea what Obama stood for aside from "change". But after I read Nelson's post, I would have to agree with him. It was the whole eeriness of using children as propaganda and a small similarity to the propaganda of those aforementioned totalitarian leaders that probably made me feel sort of creeped out. I do think that if their parents were such zealots, going so far in their support for Obama that they volunteer their kids to sing this song, then there is little doubt that these kids are very likely to pick up their parents favor towards the Democrats.