Monday, September 8, 2008

For Any of You Who Think Palin is All Anti-Pork...


JBass said...

Honestly Sarah Palin scares me more than John McCain does. To tell the truth the election may be months away still but I'm already tired of hearing the same old bullshit out of the Republican Party and seeing the masses eat it all up. The thing that scares me about her is not her lack of experience (on a side note how insane is it that just because Alaska is near Russia some members of the republican party at the convention claimed that that gave Palin foreign policy experience) but the fact that she is so popular with the Republican Party at the moment and I cannot for the life of me grasp as to why that is.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Jeff...Sarah Palin scares me more than John McCain because she seems a little absurd. For instance, her opposition to sex-education classes. Instead, she believes in abstinence instructions for teens. So, i guess the fact that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant doesn't make her realize that abstinence doesn't work well. (Maybe if her daughter took sex ed classes she wouldn't be pregnant).

Jason Bade said...

Ms. Palin is the epitome of how backwards some parts of our country are. Sadly she was chosen, because there are so many people (fundamentalist extremists) who are ignorant enough to only vote on issues that are irrelevant to their own lives, such as gay rights and abortion. Even things that may remotely affect them like the teaching of evolution in school and abstinence-only education should not have a bearing on who leads your country! How can someone ignore a candidate's stances on the economy, healthcare, defense, foreign policy, environment, energy, etc. in order to find the one that will "save us from those gays!" This is the opposite of "family" values, which one would take to mean kindness and love toward fellow man: These people are just immoral (and very choosey when using the Bible to support their "beliefs"–check out the video in the following post).

Nelson Cheung said...

If you believe that Sarah Palin lacks experience, I think you should definitely be afraid of her. As for her popularity, I think that it stems from the fact that she was this fiery governor that was not well known until McCain decided to pick her as his running mate. Her gender (yes, this is an issue) also contributes to her allure.

@anac (who is this?)
1. Parents have a choice in whether or not their child take sex-ed classes. While I don't think it is wrong for a parent to do this, I think it is wrong for her to force her will on the state. Unless the state of Alaska shares her belief.

2. Abstinence DOES work...if you follow it. Her daughter getting pregnant has nothing to do with the effectiveness of abstinence.

I agree wholeheartedly with your comment, but I don't know if you're being sarcastic....or not.

Anonymous said...

I, as a Republican, while agreeing with McCain's pick because of her background and experience, am doubtful of the motives for her vetting. After Hillary Clinton dropped out of the race, and her loyal constituents weren't backing Obama, the GOP just happened to choose a woman? not only is it patronizing to women that she was picked because she is a she, but her platform is so opposite to Clinton's that it seems a bad choice. However, she doesn't scare me as she does Jeff merely because even if she was president, nothing could get done with the present democratic congress, so we would just have another crazy borne-again in the white house.

Scott Bade said...

What scares me about Sarah Palin is her lack of respect for the truth. Not only does she and the McCain campaign continue to lie about her supporting pork and the bridge to nowhere (as in the article linked to this post's title), but she has blatantly lied about Obama's plans for the country. She claims that he has never authored a significant piece of legislation--as if writing a bill concerning the disarmament of nuclear weapons is insignificant. And, if that weren't enough, she said in her acceptance speech that

"Al Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America ... [Obama]'s worried that someone won't read them their rights? "

What a blatant disregard for civil rights. Her sentiments are, I think, an ominous foreshadow of what we can expect from the McCain/Palin White House (shudder--think happy thoughts).

Scott Bade said...

Re: Nelson, just to you think we should fear Palin because she is a bad candidate or because she is tough and will get things done?

And, it's not a question of whether abstinence works or not, it's a question of abstinence-only education. And leading organizations belief that comprehensive sex education is the only way it can be effective. These organizations include the American Psychological Association, the American Medical Association, the National Association of School Psychologists, the Society for Adolescent Medicine, the American College Health Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Public Health Association.

JBass said...

2 years governor of a small town and 2 years state governor in no way equals more experience than Obama

Anonymous said...

Jeff: Obama has been in the Senate for 3 and one half years. Palin was a Governor of an energy producing state for 2 and mayor of a town for 2 she has more experience than Obama but you think she is not experienced enough to be VICE president? Maybe Obama should get out of the race then...

Scott Bade said...

Max, while I do agree that Obama is not the best suited to be president, he is certainly better suited than McCain and Palin. Let's remember that George W. Bush was merely a state governor when he ran against the vice president in 2000. And Cheney has lots of experience and look how he turned out--possibly the worst vice president ever (except for maybe Spiro Agnew). But Palin's experience is, well, being the mayor of a very small town (think a fraction of Foster City) and the smallest state. She balanced the budget because Alaska has huge oil and gas revenues compared with relatively few people--much easier than in a state like CA that is densely populated. Now compare that to Joe Biden, who is one first name basis with many of the world's leaders--expereience we can trust, I think so.