The fact that the candidates are worrying about stupid expressions, and whether they were or were not offensive seems almost insulting to the American people, considering the many problems we are having. I wish that the candidates would focus on the important issues instead of on trite unimportant details. The country is experiencing huge economic problems that economists claim could throw the country into depression, not recession. It wasn’t until the stock market dropped so dramatically this week that the candidates began to start talking about the economy. It shouldn’t take a crisis to get them to focus on what’s important.
The "McCain putting lipstick on a pig" cartoon reminded me of these two podcasts that my dad make me listen to on NPR, bothing of which had to do with that.
The fact that the candidates are worrying about stupid expressions, and whether they were or were not offensive seems almost insulting to the American people, considering the many problems we are having. I wish that the candidates would focus on the important issues instead of on trite unimportant details. The country is experiencing huge economic problems that economists claim could throw the country into depression, not recession. It wasn’t until the stock market dropped so dramatically this week that the candidates began to start talking about the economy. It shouldn’t take a crisis to get them to focus on what’s important.
The "McCain putting lipstick on a pig" cartoon reminded me of these two podcasts that my dad make me listen to on NPR, bothing of which had to do with that.
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